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Everything posted by TrentS

  1. Come on, post the pics of Allan wearing red shoes and yellow socks. There have to be some somewhere.
  2. I'm with Rob on this one. I'm sure that little kid is thinking WTF AM I SUPPOSE TO DO WITH THIS THING? YOU COULDN'T PICK ME UP SOMETHING AT TOYS R US???
  3. Congrats on the twins... And the car looks fantastic!
  4. Too 1980's for such a modern car though... I see those and all I see is Smokey & the Bandit Trans Am.
  5. Congrats, it is pretty country.
  6. Are you insane? We can't wait that damn long! We want pics NOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!
  7. The transformation from Lambo-Power to Ferrari-Power has begun!
  8. The Alpine is very cool, but I still love the disco ball more! :lol2:
  9. Very common with people who have nothing, then all of a sudden have a few million dropped in their laps. They don't know how to handle it, and think it will last forever... Look at what happens to many lottery winners, same thing, most end up broke.
  10. That was YESTERDAY, and that only pissed the people off even more... Today he's gone, and turned power over to the military, not his VP. Well the guy stole BILLIONS, his accounts should be frozen and the money returned.
  11. Haven't you VBoxed that thing yet? You've had it for 18 hours already, what the hell you waiting for?
  12. But whoever makes it this time, at least SPELL HIS DAMN NAME RIGHT!
  13. Looks hot Allan... Excellent choice! Now change your screen name!!!... "AllanWinklefagPissedMeOff"
  14. I'm sure the Eau de Schumacher is there, but when driving always remember...
  15. Well it's a damn good thing they did that because I was so confused. I just couldn't tell the difference between an F1 car and a pickup truck!
  16. I can't remember the names of the developments, but there are areas like that in far west Davie/Southwest Ranches.
  17. Joking aside, I'm sure it will be the hottest California around when you're done with it. Some of the more heavily modded ones don't look too bad, and if you have to put up with one for a year to get a 458 Spider, PLUS give us something to tease the hell out of you about, it'll all be worth it. I know you love all this attention! But I'll pop for your first mod!
  18. So 4:30 you're driving one for the first time, or picking it up?
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