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Don't Drink & Drive


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I disagree with some of these laws. Just because someone is drunk, in the car sleeping with keys, doesn't make him dangerous. I've been shitfaced and never had the urge to drive. I've never gotten drunk and lacked the judgement not to rob a bank, why can't i be drunk in my car with the judgement not to drive home?


I actually agree, they are jumping to the conclusion that if you are in a car with keys sleeping you will be driving. So I walk into any commercial place while CCW, should we assume I am gonna rob it? Something should probably change.

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How very considerate of you...thanks for the sympathy.


If you paid any attention to what I wrote you'll see it says saturday morning, which is really friday night....


You never mentioned what day was your first day on the new job, could be Sat as far as I'm concerned, Maybe you sell hot dogs in the Dodgers game... :lol2:


I really don't see the point of this thread though... ok, venting maybe... but what's the moral of the story? Guys, don't drink and sleep on Main St? Don't drink and get caught? Do not cooperate with cops when they bust you? Do not tell the truth to your employer after busted for DUI? which one is it? I'm really anxious to learn from your experience, please help me out...


The way I look at it, you dodged a bullet.. Good for you but nothing to write home about..


Did you learn the right lesson? I'm not so sure..

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I dodge a bullet in 2008 when I crashed and totaled one of my Alfa's while I was driving under alcohol influence (wrote about it here ) I also injured a friend, and just by pure luck I didnt't killed anyone...


since that day I never had a drink while or before driving...


learn your lesson and man up, best of luck I hope everything turns out the way you wish :icon_thumleft:




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You never mentioned what day was your first day on the new job, could be Sat as far as I'm concerned, Maybe you sell hot dogs in the Dodgers game... :lol2:


I really don't see the point of this thread though... ok, venting maybe... but what's the moral of the story? Guys, don't drink and sleep on Main St? Don't drink and get caught? Do not cooperate with cops when they bust you? Do not tell the truth to your employer after busted for DUI? which one is it? I'm really anxious to learn from your experience, please help me out...


The way I look at it, you dodged a bullet.. Good for you but nothing to write home about..


Did you learn the right lesson? I'm not so sure..


The main moral of the story is in the subject title and was re-iterated in the post not to D&D...originally it was a thread to get ideas on the case but I felt it was best not to go very public with all the details and made it sort of a venting thread.


Yeah, I fucked up, I feel bad for it but I'm sure in the long run it will be ok. Everything works out.....


While I'm not a saint in this matter I didn't damage property or hurt people. And I mentioned I was grateful for that.


Don't you think it's good for people here to remind others about the risks out there?? Do you think I was the only one here to D&D even slightly this weekend? I won't be D&Ding again, but someone else inevitably will!


And let me ask you this, if I wasn't inconvenienced with the whole car issue and made it out ok, should I have gone up to my employer and volunteered this information that I was arrested for DUI?? I'd be lying about a DUI if they asked me if I got one, not if I didn't bring it up on my own volition.


Dude, if you wanna be all righteous and attack me study my posts a little more!


What if I was for argument's sake, completely in the right here? Wouldn't the court conviction/exoneration matter more?


According to the law a DUI is similar to a massive speeding ticket.....should I report all of those too?


And what about seeking counsel? Maybe I should man up and face the music without one.


Everyone in the real world that I've talked to is looking at me crazy for being honest, yet you want to show some e-bravado for whatever reason I dunno. Then on top of that you make comments like "maybe you sell hot dogs at the dodgers game, lolol", and "I'm anxious to learn this lesson" with an attitude not of trying to help, but to stick it to me and look like a cool badass.


Everyone is a tough, smart, independent, righteous sage online....naturally.


I've been around here long enough to hear about your reputation before you got married & had a kid.....yeah, you're a straight laced guy alright.




Never took a puff or D&D ever, right?





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"Don't you think it's good for people here to remind others about the risks out there?? Do you think I was the only one here to D&D even slightly this weekend? I won't be D&Ding again, but someone else inevitably will!"

Yes it is good to be reminded. There isnt a day that goes by that I am not reminded of my brother....


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A "Main street" being the main drag through a small town. One lane in each direction, shops and stores on both sides....


I was legally parked by a meter...


The car could have technically been there without me driving there but unlikely. I already admitted to dropping a friend off who lived a few blocks away (making it unlikely I'd be there)....plus I admitted we were at a bar and I had a drink. This is all official record too.


Temperature was about 45-50 degrees, slight drizzle.




Ok.... so you drove there.... And its pretty obvious from your statements that you drove there....


Now the D.A. can pull out his big chart and say "we tested him two hours later when his BAC was legal....But according to this chart, two hours earlier he was DUI."


Had you NOT SAID ANYTHING, you could have argued they have no proof you drove the car, and the engine was only on because you didnt have any place else to sleep, you couldnt legally drive home, and you didnt want to freeze to death...(which I assume is why you left it on?).... I would acquit you on that... But with your statements, I think your hosed....




And apologize to Joe. You had to know this wasn't going to be a circle jerk?

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Did you learn the right lesson? I'm not so sure..


Dont be too fast to judge. The harder it hits, the longer it takes to sink in.


We are all incomplete at times. I do not judge but judge will.

I have gone through this too, was biggest mistake at my life so far.

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I've been around here long enough to hear about your reputation before you got married & had a kid.....yeah, you're a straight laced guy alright.


HAHA... so now it's about me?... :eusa_naughty: we not gonna go there because this thread is all about YOU !! That's lame.. :jackoff:


I am sorry to rain on your parade, I realize that you started this thread to get some moral support, to see 10-20 members tell you "it's alrighty bro, you'll be fine, we been there too, those fuckin cops, etc etc..", I realize it because there is no moral here nor there is a request for legal advise so what's left...?


Well guess what, I don't feel like participating in THIS love orgy, not after this thread... Let's not forget, although you got caught while parked, by your admission you were driving to get there so don't give me this BS of "I was responsible not to drive, was only sleeping it off".. :thefinger:


If anything, you should be thankful as I am the only person here so far that MIGHT benefit you in the future by giving you few ounces of hard time, everyone else who are patting your back are NOT your friends, the'll be the ones posting "Sorry to hear what happened or R.I.P Punshed" in your serious accident thread that I hope will never happen while I will be posting "I told that asshat and he didn't listen" type of posts..


There is no glory in dodging a major bullet like that so don't ask for it because you not gonna get it from me..






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I disagree with some of these laws. Just because someone is drunk, in the car sleeping with keys, doesn't make him dangerous. I've been shitfaced and never had the urge to drive. I've never gotten drunk and lacked the judgement not to rob a bank, why can't i be drunk in my car with the judgement not to drive home?


I don't understand that either.

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Dont be too fast to judge. The harder it hits, the longer it takes to sink in.


We are all incomplete at times. I do not judge but judge will.

I have gone through this too, was biggest mistake at my life so far.


I am not judging, just posting my opinion in a thread that Punished created to generate praises for getting away with DUI.. how is that judging? :eusa_think: So unless I say "good job, congrats bro" I have no say here?

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And apologize to Joe. You had to know this wasn't going to be a circle jerk?


No need to apologize to me, I'm just doing my job that I get paid the major bucks for.. :tyson:






Hey, do you remember the thread of someone here who drove drunk, hit and ran in a Gallardo and came here to ask for advise how to further destroy evidence? like couple years ago..

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No need to apologize to me, I'm just doing my job that I get paid the major bucks for.. :tyson:






Hey, do you remember the thread of someone here who drove drunk, hit and ran in a Gallardo and came here to ask for advise how to further destroy evidence? like couple years ago..

No.... I think I would remember that one. :shock:

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I disagree with some of these laws. Just because someone is drunk, in the car sleeping with keys, doesn't make him dangerous. I've been shitfaced and never had the urge to drive. I've never gotten drunk and lacked the judgment not to rob a bank, why can't i be drunk in my car with the judgment not to drive home?


I think the idea is that, in general, people under the influence lack good judgment. While I would rather see a "drunk" sleep it off in the car in the parking lot before they go home, or hell, if they are on the way home and they realize they are too drunk to drive so they stop and park the car to sleep it off, there are countless others out there who say, "fcuk it, I only live a short distance away, I can make it."


Problem is, some don't make it home. Some come around the corner and run over two elderly people in wheel chairs who were just engaged to be married killing one; some drift on the roadway and run over and kill two teen-aged girls trying to walk home from a carnival; some misjudge the distance that a a truck coming in the opposite direction is from the intersection and manage to turn and t-bone the truck smashing it into a light pole and killing the 20 something kid who was on his way to dinner; some misjudge their speed while exiting the freeway and wipe out a flag lady working for the highway department; some take their children and blow through an intersection, with no evidence of touching the brakes, flipping their jeep end over end and in their drunken stupor crawl out the back window, right past their 2 year old daughter pinned under the vehicle's frame and yes, dead, and unfortunately the dad was either too drunk or too stupid to remember that he had taken the kids and had placed them in the car didn't buckle them up and didn't realize his daughter was dead until after the state cops and sheriff's had arrived; and yes, some go the wrong way on the freeway and wipe out an entire family on Christmas fcuking eve. (the first of the cases I mentioned happened locally over the last few months...the Christmas eve case happened about 15 years ago or so and the driver was just released from jail this last year). There are other similar stories out there and when those occur, the public screams for change. In our state, the supremes have come down on those situations in response. It may not always be that way and sometime someone may persuade the court to take a less "harsh" position, but that's how it is for now...and despite their approach we still have deaths from DUI/DWI.


Anyway, the rules can sound ridiculous and there are lots of reasons why they should be changed or modified, but as other's on here have said, its such a dumb thing to do. There is no reason to ever get in a car and drive while being drunk. There just isn't a reason to do so.


To the original poster, you can't be surprised by some people calling you out for doing something dumb. You'll get some good advice in the process, but you shouldn't be surprised by some scorn and ridicule as well. IF you admitted to driving and you took a breathalyzer at some point, you can get prosecuted. Not saying you will, but you can be prosecuted for it. They wont have driving conduct, so that will be helpful for you, they may or may not have physical signs of impairment (depending on how you acted, walked, answered questions, smelled, etc.), you didn't mention whether or not they had taken standard field sobriety tests which may or may not help you depending on the results, so I can't speak to the ease or difficulty in gaining a conviction, but as Roman said, they can and will extrapolate your BAC in the event they decide to go after you on the DUI.


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I disagree with some of these laws. Just because someone is drunk, in the car sleeping with keys, doesn't make him dangerous. I've been shitfaced and never had the urge to drive. I've never gotten drunk and lacked the judgement not to rob a bank, why can't i be drunk in my car with the judgement not to drive home?




Ive always wondered how these laws work with an RV.


In the us, an RV is both a motor vehicle AND a home.... So you are allowed to park the thing and get loaded in the rear (I assume with the keys in it to work all the lights and shit???? I dont know how those work...) you can have guns in them.... You need a search warrant to go in.... etc...


There are plenty of people who LIVE in their cars....


Id like to see it challenged.

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There is no reason to ever get in a car and drive while being drunk. There just isn't a reason to do so.



OK....But what about get drunk, get in the car and NOT drive??? Simply being drunk and sitting in a parked car is not a public threat.

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No.... I think I would remember that one. :shock:


I think he came back and requested the thread to be deleted a day after... and it was deleted.. wasn't a major accident, he clipped a mirror and something else, nothing serious but still..



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I know people in ohio who have done this. Ive heard of this happening before too. Basically if the cars are within reach, the cops will bust you for it. I know guys I work with, who have gone out with customers drinking, have put the keys in the trunk of their car and slept it off. When the cops questioned one of them, they showed them the keys in the trunk and the cops did nothing about it. I guess it depends on the sitaution though....I believe if the keys are anywhere in car with you it can be considered one...

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OK....But what about get drunk, get in the car and NOT drive??? Simply being drunk and sitting in a parked car is not a public threat.


Yep I agree. But in NM, if you are near the drivers seat...you may get arrested for DUI.

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Ok.... so you drove there.... And its pretty obvious from your statements that you drove there....


Now the D.A. can pull out his big chart and say "we tested him two hours later when his BAC was legal....But according to this chart, two hours earlier he was DUI."


Had you NOT SAID ANYTHING, you could have argued they have no proof you drove the car, and the engine was only on because you didnt have any place else to sleep, you couldnt legally drive home, and you didnt want to freeze to death...(which I assume is why you left it on?).... I would acquit you on that... But with your statements, I think your hosed....




And apologize to Joe. You had to know this wasn't going to be a circle jerk?


Had I not said anything when?? When I was stopped?


So could I have plead the 5th in my car?


Man, never thought about that. I guess they could have taken me in, done the test in the house....and let the counsel sort it out afterwards.


We had a thread on this recently too, lol.


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Had I not said anything when?? When I was stopped?


So could I have plead the 5th in my car?


Man, never thought about that. I guess they could have taken me in, done the test in the house....and let the counsel sort it out afterwards.

you are not required to answer anything.

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HAHA... so now it's about me?... :eusa_naughty: we not gonna go there because this thread is all about YOU !! That's lame.. :jackoff:


I am sorry to rain on your parade, I realize that you started this thread to get some moral support, to see 10-20 members tell you "it's alrighty bro, you'll be fine, we been there too, those fuckin cops, etc etc..", I realize it because there is no moral here nor there is a request for legal advise so what's left...?


Well guess what, I don't feel like participating in THIS love orgy, not after this thread... Let's not forget, although you got caught while parked, by your admission you were driving to get there so don't give me this BS of "I was responsible not to drive, was only sleeping it off".. :thefinger:


If anything, you should be thankful as I am the only person here so far that MIGHT benefit you in the future by giving you few ounces of hard time, everyone else who are patting your back are NOT your friends, the'll be the ones posting "Sorry to hear what happened or R.I.P Punshed" in your serious accident thread that I hope will never happen while I will be posting "I told that asshat and he didn't listen" type of posts..


There is no glory in dodging a major bullet like that so don't ask for it because you not gonna get it from me..


Joe, I appreciate your tough love....you're doing the right thing.


I wave the white flag.

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