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Thinking about representing yourself in court?


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Holy shit!! This is right out of Saddam's playbook!



Maryland Circuit Court Judge Robert C. Nalley — who in 2009 deflated the tire of a Toyota parked outside the Charles County courthouse – recently ordered a court security officer to administer an electrical shock to a defendant inside his courtroom.

On Nalley’s order, the Charles County Sheriff’s Department officer pushed a button that administered an electric shock to Delvon L. King, 25, of Waldorf. King, who is not a lawyer, represented himself against gun charges.

The incident occurred July 23 during jury selection, but apparently before any potential jurors were brought into the courtroom.

In the moments before Nalley ordered King to be shocked, the defendant did not threaten Nalley or anyone else, according to the court transcript. King did not make any threatening physical moves toward Nalley or anyone else, and did not attempt to flee, according to the defendant and his parents, Alexander and Doris King who were in the courtroom and witnessed the attack.


Delvon King, 25. (Photo provided by Alexander King to Baltimore Post-Examiner)

Nalley did not warn King in the moments before he ordered the officer to shock King, the transcript obtained by Baltimore Post-Examiner shows. The defendant was trying to cite a court case, and Nalley cut him off.

“Stop,” Nalley said, according to the transcript.

“… principles of common right and common reason are …” King said.

“Mr. Sheriff … ” Nalley said

“… null and void,” King continued.

“…do it,” Nalley ordered. “Use it.”


On Nalley’s order, a uniformed Charles County Sheriff’s Department officer pressed a button, which released a charge from an electronic device authorities had attached to King’s right leg. King crumpled to the ground in agony.

“I got shocked, and I was screaming for help,” King told the Baltimore Post-Examiner. “They had no reason to harm me like that. I really didn’t expect for any of that to happen.”

“He (Delvon) screamed and he kept screaming,” Alexander King said. “When the officer hit the button, it was like an 18-wheeler hit Delvon. He hit the ground that quick. He kept screaming until the pain subsided.”

Nalley asked the officer to shock King once or twice before he gave a more emphatic directive, which the officer followed, Alexander and Doris King said.

“It wasn’t the officer’s idea, from what I saw,” Alexander King said. “He didn’t do it the first time (Nalley gave the order).”

Before Nalley ordered the court officer to electroshock him, King tried to question whether the court had jurisidiction over him by citing legal cases. King considers himself a “sovereign citizen” and believes the government and its laws do not apply to him.

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My first thoughts are how the fcuk are they allowed to attach a band to his leg that can shock him if a button is pressed.

Could they not just throw him in the river like they would do in medieval times to witches and if he drowns he is guilty?

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Whilst reading that I thought the whole process was appalling until


King considers himself a “sovereign citizen” and believes the government and its laws do not apply to him.


In which case it is entirely justified.

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all those sovereign citizen guys need to be electro-shocked. the most annoying, vexatious fcuking litigation arguments akin to the guys who think they don't have to pay taxes because they have declared themselves an off-shore company.





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WTF. How can something like this even happen in modern America!?



have you ever been to baltimore ?

i lived there for 2 and a half months a couple of years ago, and visited an office i had on south street every friday for a few months last year. it is by far the worst place ive ever been to. more dangerous than the most dangerous place in nyc, filthy, crackheads, hookers, cops do nothing there.

its so bad that ,in the building i was at, we had security patrol escort women to their cars at a garage down the street.


this was on south street ! (i block away from the hilton, harbor, shopping centers etc).


the only good thing about baltimore was an oz of weed was $150 !!



ended up having to close our office last august... not because business was bad (it was actually great), but because the manager i had down there turned out to be a pimp.... an actual pimp.

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ended up having to close our office last august... not because business was bad (it was actually great), but because the manager i had down there turned out to be a pimp.... an actual pimp.



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have you ever been to baltimore ?

i lived there for 2 and a half months a couple of years ago, and visited an office i had on south street every friday for a few months last year. it is by far the worst place ive ever been to. more dangerous than the most dangerous place in nyc, filthy, crackheads, hookers, cops do nothing there.

its so bad that ,in the building i was at, we had security patrol escort women to their cars at a garage down the street.


this was on south street ! (i block away from the hilton, harbor, shopping centers etc).


the only good thing about baltimore was an oz of weed was $150 !!



ended up having to close our office last august... not because business was bad (it was actually great), but because the manager i had down there turned out to be a pimp.... an actual pimp.


Never been to Baltimore. I wouldn't worry about crime though. The governor pushed through strong gun control laws, so it should be safe :)

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Whilst reading that I thought the whole process was appalling until




In which case it is entirely justified.


You should go to Buckingham and zap that old woman then :icon_mrgreen:

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ended up having to close our office last august... not because business was bad (it was actually great), but because the manager i had down there turned out to be a pimp.... an actual pimp.


Well at least you got first shot at his product, and hopefully a discount. :monkeyleft:

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The thing about people who claim that the government shouldn't apply to them is that they forget the things government does that are good, like law and order for example. I mean even if you decide to forgo civilization and go live out in the wilderness somewhere in North America, you STILL are to a degree benefitting from the existence of law and order from government. Because sure, you have to find your own food, make your own shelter, etc...but you do not have to worry about any tribes that would love to just cut your head off for example.

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You should go to Buckingham and zap that old woman then :icon_mrgreen:

Never, love ol' Liz.



On a slightly similar tangent... this story was on the BBC today and I absolutely love the judge.


A judge has criticised a lawyer for appearing in court looking like "something out of Harry Potter".


Long-haired Alan Blacker appeared with St John Ambulance medals and ribbons on his breast during a trial in Cardiff Crown Court.


Judge David Wynn Morgan also questioned Mr Blacker's right as a solicitor advocate to wear the robes and wig of a barrister.


Mr Blacker said he was "very upset" the judge had questioned his credentials.


He had been defending minibus driver Andrzej Wojcicki, jailed for five years after being found guilty of causing the death of a cyclist by dangerous driving in Caerphilly county.


During the trial, Mr Blacker had used the name Lord Harley, saying it was an Irish peerage inherited from his father.


But Judge Morgan was unimpressed by his appearance and after the trial told him: "If you want to look like something out of Harry Potter you can forget coming to this court ever again."


He added: "I have been practising in these courts since 1978 and I have never seen a barrister or solicitor appear before these courts wearing a medal or with badges sewn onto his gown.


"Here in south Wales we had a barrister, who later became a judge, who had won during the Battle of Normandy the highest order of gallantry in a Victoria Cross.


"Did you ever see him wearing a medal? He would have considered it the height of vulgarity for such a thing to be done.


"If you ever appear before this court again dressed as you are I shall exercise my right to decline to hear you."

Speaking after the case, Mr Blacker, from Rochdale, Greater Manchester, said: "My qualifications, status and offices were brought into disrepute and I was personally very upset by the comments made towards me.


"I am shocked to the core that my position has been questioned - which is I feel reflective of the sacrifice of thousands of men who have died for the freedoms that are referred to in the title of Lord Harley for almost 1,100 years.


"For His Honour to have criticised me in such a way has hurt me deeply.


"I cannot say any more for legal reasons but I am deeply upset for what I consider were baseless and unjustified comments.


"I asked to see the judge in his chambers afterwards and he declined and now I have to take advice on the matter.


"My bona fides are beyond any reproach."


However, St John in Wales said Lord Harley is not a member of the Order of St John and it had contacted the police over the issue.


Chief executive Keith Dunn said: "He is not entitled to say that he is a Knight of the Order of St John and the dignities that appertain to membership.


"We have asked the chief constable for South Wales Police to investigate this matter and St John will be taking legal action if necessary."


NOw I love a good judge rant when it is happening to someone else but I cannot but help think this



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I just cant wrap my head around this... The judge AND the cop should be fired.

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I just cant wrap my head around this... The judge AND the cop should be fired.



No "on paid leave" yet? Shocking........







pun intended.

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