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Everything posted by ameer

  1. Stay safe everyone! I know we have a few members from some of the worst hit areas in Lombardy and Emilia Romagna. I hope you are well! Best wishes to all!
  2. I don't get this car, is it just a facelift or a Huracan that's positioned in between the regular lp610 and the hardcore performante? Because they've been saying it has a lot of bits from the performante on it.
  3. Thank you everyone involved in this endeavor. I panicked a little the last time I tried accessing the forum, thanks for the updates. My only suggestion would be the black/gold theme if it's possible on the new platform. The white one is a bit heavy on the eyes. I'm glad things are moving along! Have a great weekend everyone!
  4. Davide also did a series of interviews with Paolo Stanzani (who died meanwhile). He talks a lot about Ferruccio, you guys are going to love those.
  5. Yes, definitely, not as far as another galaxy though, but it can be detected in a large area around us, but they'd have to have a way to detect if the heat is artificial or naturally occurring. Scientists proposed something similar in their search for intelligent alien life, using infrared telescopes, any advanced civilization that has sufficiently advanced industry will give off IR heat, actually everything that uses energy does. Any planet that produces more energy than provided by it's parent star, might be a candidate for an advanced alien civilization. Also there are radio waves that we have been emitting for around 80 years. THough those won't necessarily be detectable or distinguishable for very long, the signals are just too weak. I read recently something about a project, that proposed studying our planet from outer space so we can better understand how to detect signs of industry/civilization elsewhere. Good idea imo.
  6. Life is highly adaptable and can survive in a number of extreme scenarios. Our planet and its history/circumstances, is perfect for us, because we evolved on it, in those set conditions, any other circumstance that we might not survive in, can in fact be nurturing to others. So the uniqueness argument doesn't really hold water. Each might be unique in its own way. Lower gravity on Mars might not be a huge issue. Iirc Mars' gravity is about 1/3 of Earth's. Zero g is quite detrimental but having some gravity mitigates to a large degree effects on muscles and bone density. Some adaptation will occur naturally, or will perhaps be aided by gene manipulation to a point. We have no idea how large a core other planets have, they're just educated guesses. Any seismically active planet will have a core of molten rock inside it. It might or might not have a magnetic field depending on the matter it consists of and its history or proximity to its star or other celestial bodies. Our star is in fact a less common type of star, habitable zones are possible on red dwarves (the most common type of star), just that they are closer to the star. Many of the possible candidates for life bearing planets that have been confirmed, orbit red dwarf stars. Also another extremely important ingredient is that the star is at least a second generation star, as there will be no heavy elements (carbon etc) in a first generation star and its accompanying system, probably made up mostly of gaseous planets, clouds etc. Any element above iron in the periodic table requires a supernova to fuse and form. Ours too is a second or third gen star, we don't know for sure, but definitely not first. And on aliens, we have no clues, they might be so different as to make communication next to impossible, even if we do meet some. Our imaginations are quite limited when it comes to the infinite variables that can occur. I used to read a lot of scifi, some books contain some really out of this world ideas about how alien life forms might be, but still even those are limited. As far as we can ascertain at this time, traveling the stars is not economically feasible, the amount of effort and energy just to come say hello just doesn't make sense. If anyone makes the effort to come over, they have to have a very clear purpose, that's why I think it would be bad news if someone makes contact with us. It's naive to think even an enlightened alien culture/civilization is completely benign, just as the US and Uk haven't been, no matter their intentions.
  7. I don't think we are alone in the universe, and I also think we aren't really that special. I have theory that life is a natural consequence of the Universe, intelligent life is probably not that common, but life, I'm sure exists. Life also doesn't require intelligence to survive, at all, in fact the most successful living things aren't intelligent. Intelligence is an accident most likely, life is not. Starting from that premise, I think it is highly doubtful that we will ever be able to travel the stars in star trek fashion. We are bound by the speed of light, and nothing can ever exceed that. Even though it seems incredibly fast to us, on the scale of the universe, it's snail speed. At 300,000 km per second (186,000 miles per second) it would take us a little more than 2 years just to reach the nearest star system. At that speed it would take 100,000 years to cross the galaxy. WIth current tech that is impossible. ALl other theories, proposals, concepts of interstellar travel are just that. The Alcubierre drive, which is something some people take seriously as an alternative to travel between stars, requires such amounts of energy that is also makes it unfeasible. That and also it requires the existence of completely unproven elements such as negative energy etc. Even if the necessary elements required for Alcubierre's drive to work do exist and are possible, there are a host of other hurdles to overcome, such as the release of energy upon arrival, that might actually destroy the vessel and so on. On intelligent aliens. I really do not want us to meet any others at this point, especially not ones that have solved the interstellar travel problem, which would make them far more advanced than us. Resources are scarce, any intelligent life has most likely evolved from a predatorial species, and they will most likely be in competition for resources. Any predatorial species would be innately violent, just as we are. Sure we are civilized now and so on, and these basic impulses are largely under control, but they are there. It is best if we stumble upon them rather than the other way around. Even if we could travel and colonize other planets that can support life, imagine the effort it would take to adapt ourselves to another environment with other microbes, bacteria, viruses etc. Would be a mammoth task. It would take years of studying a planet just to be able to adapt to it. We have no idea what we can find out there. Bacteria native to our planet with which we share origins, are deadly to us, imagine a contact with an ecosystem with which we have nothing in common. The other way around can also be considered, our impact on an alien environment can wipe it out. For the foreseeable future the only places we will be travelling to are our vecinities within this solar system, and the best approach for now at least, is to take care of the planet we have and on which we evolved. There is nowhere else we will be going to anytime soon. We are in the stone age of space exploration, who knows what we'll discover in the future. The first planet outside our solar system was discovered in 1995, since then we've discovered thousands, things are moving along, but compared to how much we need to know, and how much is potentially out there it's literally a drop in the ocean.
  8. I'd suggest that you don't put all your life savings into cryptocoins. I've been reading up on them a bit, the only one that really does seem to have a future is Ripple. The idea and tech behind it have a practical objective purpose, other than that one, none convince me. I've been trying to find a way to use cryptos to do something practical, that is, get around capital controls in certain countries and move money with ease. Couldn't do it, because the exchange infrastructure is not sufficiently developed yet. So if it's not developed enough to be able to do something useful with them... then what's the point? Aside from it being so volatile, even if the infrastructure was sufficiently developed, I'd really want to at least get the money I put in back, but with these fluctuations and the possibility of a flash crash at any time, it's far too risky. So other than speculation they really don't have a use, at least not to me. And unless they become stable, they won't be widely accepted and their primary purpose will remain speculative. Would a merchant hold/accept a currency that can drop 20% in a matter of minutes, taking away his profit and possibly inflicting losses? Would an employee accept payment of wages in a currency so volatile? Are there any products whos costs and prices are solely calculated in btc? Yes they are becoming more and more accepted, but it won't stay this way if high volatility remains an issue. If you've already made some money, I'd suggest you cash in what you originally invested, and play with house money. I think lots of people are going to get hurt on this soon enough. Heard about a guy who took a second mortgage on his home to invest in cryptos. Idiotic if you'd ask me. Also every day new crypto currencies are being launched, they will start competing with each other, and as in any competition there will be winners and loosers. Loosers will disappear and so will the investors money.
  9. ameer


    I think it looks cool and different, I wouldn't call it pretty but I certainly like it.
  10. Wow! Congratulations, enjoy it in good health! Absolutely stunning spec!
  11. I always wonder if SpaceX is profitable, because as it is a private company the stock is held by Musk and a few other investors of his choosing. In contrast Tesla is public. Why? I'm thinking SpaceX is profitable and has more potential, and he sees it as his main business, and Tesla is on the side, and it's public so he can share the risks with everyone else. If it works and it becomes a new auto giant, good for him, if it flops he'll still be hailed as the man who forced the auto industry to become environment friendly. Thing is do you really want to take part in his experiments? He'll land on his feet no matter what, some of his investors won't.
  12. That's exactly what I've been telling people. It's valued is totally wrong, it's not really a tech company, it's a car company and this is a very competitive segment, and once the big manufacturers launch electric products Tesla will get buried. I'm pretty sure Porsche is going to make a good electric car and that's on schedule to be launched in 2020. Tesla will have a lot of catching up to do in terms of build quality, design and so on. I wouldn't care if the roadster goes beyond the speed of sound in 2 seconds, no engine = no soul, to me at least the way a car sounds is a big part of the experience. Speed isn't everything.
  13. Why are the shooter's political leanings being discussed? He was clearly a very deranged man, what difference does it make, or what point are you trying to make about that?
  14. Damn... Some pretty fucked up people on this planet. RIP to the victims of this terrible tragedy. I hope you are all safe.
  15. ameer


    Saw one in Cannes parked right outside the Carlton hotel. It is absolutely amazing in person, and a bit smaller than I imagined it to be. Thing is there was a Veyron right next to it, no competition... The Chiron has much more sophisticated lines, it made the Veyron look cheap. It truly looks special, if I had the money for it, I wouldn't hesitate to buy one.
  16. For the V12s going hybrid seems a better option than turbo charging. The 918 spyder with its NA V8 + hybrid seems like a really good compromise and its also quite eco friendly. Emissions are lower than on an average city car.
  17. It's not bad at all. It was very entertaining and imaginative in some aspects. Also the special effects are cool, it's not a movie that takes itself seriously, it was a lot of fun.
  18. I see you're traveling through Montecatini as well, it's a beautiful area with lots of spas, I suggest you stay at the LHP Montecatini Palace in Montecatini Terme, it's a beautiful hotel and their spa is amazing. I'd also visit Florence, it's the most beautiful city in Italy, your route takes you right by it. Forte dei Marmi is nice as well. If you have the time to stick around, Italy is definitely worth seeing.
  19. Yeah but last I remember healthcare costs in the US were DOUBLE the average of the EU. Surely, the higher proportion of obese people, can't really make up for all of that, considering the inherent inefficiencies of a state run program, and also the US's younger (and in theory less prone to getting sick) population. Costs might be even higher than that if we were in the exact same circumstances. I find this situation quite hard to grasp.
  20. This would be a long and complex discussion and completely off topic. Very easy to educate yourself these days. The reason Eu countries spend on healthcare is not because they don't spend on military it's because they tax their citizens more. Military spending could easily be made up but they never saw a need since the US traded military protection for influence during the post ww2 era. ANd that has been far more to the US's advantage than you care to admit. US GDP/tax ratio is somewhere around 25% fed+states, average EU is 40% of gdp collected as taxes. Average healthcare spending in EU is around 9% of GDP. Do the math, in order for the US to have healthcare that would mean a 33% increase in tax collection to maintain current spending on other stuff. It would be quite a shock for everyone if that happened. If Americans also want free university education add another 3-4% percentage points of gdp, and you'd all end up with a 50% increase in all taxes you pay. You'll be starting a new revolution if it ever gets to that. What I don't get is that healthcare costs in the US despite not having socialized healthcare are twice as high as in other developed countries. You'd say they'd be lower, it's quite counter intuitive, which is why I don't understand this phenomenon.
  21. ameer


    That last pic you posted... very unflattering to the Chiron. Never seen that angle before. Although I think the design is sophisticated and there is a lot of finesse to it, I think it's a car one needs to see in the metal to decide. I'm surprised you like the Veyron more, I thought the Chiron was a big step forward design wise.
  22. The point of brainwashing is for the target to not be aware of it. You'd be surprised to know, American propaganda against the former eastern block was far more aggressive than the other way around, and if you think there was less propaganda/brain washing going on on your side of the fence, you're either naive or the propaganda/brain washing was very effective . Soviets took a different approach, and portrayed Americans as victims of the system because they were oblivious to it, rather than evil. Nice one. Only problem in your little fantasy scenario is that there'd be no world left to imagine, because it leaves out a small but crucial detail: What if they fought back?
  23. Well you shouldn't be so surprised, it's what they do for a living, and some are good at it. It's just that now it's gone from subtle to obvious. Though I'm no Trump fan, he's right when he complains about unfair treatment by the press. They are overdoing it, and it will backfire! Assumptions. There are effective control mechanisms that can be put in place, it's a matter of wanting to, in regards to the money being wasted or siphoned off. Some will be shitholes, others are making remarkable progress. Guess what companies would be getting contracts for all the green energy stuff? Hint: Not ones from said developing countries, they don't have the know how. Do you even know what you're talking about, do you know the issue in depth? The agreement is not binding. Basically the US could simply not comply with any of it, there are no sanctions and there is no enforcement mechanism (which is the weak point of this agreement but hey...). As long as it's not binding and as long as there's no downside... everyone can pretty much carry on. All countries including the US can set their own goals. That's the reason I don't get the fuss about the US leaving it, it makes absolutely no difference. Storm in a teacup. What would have made a slight difference imo is this: So we got a bunch of developing countries with increasing energy needs. Do you want them to cover the energy deficit by using traditional and cheap methods that are heavily polluting or do you want said countries to adopt cleaner and more expensive tech for energy generation? It's that simple. You can't ask them to choose the expensive non polluting way so either subsidize green tech or refrain from criticizing them for polluting. And even so, the US wasn't forced in any way to contribute, and isn't even the largest contributor to this fund in terms of gdp. Imo this would have helped advance eco friendly techs to some degree, not sure by how much but putting money into the industry won't hurt. Nuke is where it's at, but some people seem to have become skeptical of it since Fukushima.
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