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About TestShoot

  • Rank
    Gustatus Similis Pullus
  • Birthday 09/13/1973

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    Beverly Hills

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  1. Dilluting the brand with offering lease-queen SUVs and probably a sedan may be the only way they survive.
  2. Children only want new and shiney. The social media clowns have ruined a lot for a lot of people and they mistake it for being disruptive.
  3. ytho? I mentioned it before, this place was a spot to be when getting an allocation was an accomplishment, not getting a car off a lot and wrapping it is as easy as getting a toyota camry. Lambo needs to sell to survive but in so doing mass produced slop like the ubiquitous Urus, seeing one doesn't mean anything.
  4. Here's my observation. Exotics are not exotic, nor special anymore. It's no longer "our thing". These forums started when you had to be somebody to get an allocation. Today the cars are pumped out in large volumes with attractive lease terms to anybody with a few hundred thousand followers on social media. Social media has basically made exotics "common" and now seeing one is not as rare. Lambo sold more cars than ever last year... Is that good or bad?
  5. But why bolt an Alienware desktop to the back? Dell should sue lol
  6. sexy for sure. hybrid will be interesting, maybe smoother delivery of power down low. ushering un sub-2 second 0-60 times maybe?
  7. If i start posting photos from my photoshoots, will you all start showing up? lol
  8. It has been dead for a bit, but in general the entire exotic community has been quiet. I was at LV_Eric's house the other day with SupercarAce and we were discussing not seeing nay exotics around Beverly Hills. Aside from my street, I can go almost a week without seeing one on the road.
  9. 21 years later, I am still anti-aeron chair but the embody isn't bad. Honestly if the chair is a problem, try a workout ball, it'll keep your spine aligned, bad chair posture is what'll hurt you
  10. Screengrab + photoshop, pretty obvious solution
  11. "The Queen is dead" - Morrissey
  12. I pop in now and then to see what's new, but the virus has been keeping a lot of events low key and not everyone is going out
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