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Everything posted by havemercy

  1. Hmmm. Looks just like this one I found in beverly hills late last year....
  2. and heres a more modern version of that.... http://www.uncrate.com/men/gear/transporta...raft-122-yacht/
  3. Oh yeah thats him driving! You can see Mrs allan in there too.
  4. Just saw on Fox News that he passed away...
  5. found this pic on my computer from a trip I took to California in 2006...
  6. Today I photographed the Procession of Fire Apparatus for the Funeral of a firefighter who died in a house fire last weekend. Very sad and moving...sorry for the poor photo quality. RIP John Glaser http://www.kansascity.com/2010/05/27/19750...nor-memory.html
  7. Arguably the finest collection of motorcars in one room anywhere in the world...
  8. Cop was already found guilty on all charges. Awaiting sentencing...
  9. Oh.my....the sad thing is that in America today are thousands of people just like her who have no clue whatsoever how our system of Government works with regards to taxes and entitlements. They get "free money" from somewhere and thats all that matters to them!
  10. Of all the vehicles I've seen in my life I think that Optimus is the baddest and most perfectly built truck out there. Sportchassis Px4Ls are sweet but cant touch Optimus! You still own it? I think you need to put more pics of it up there!
  11. What I find perplexing and a bit disturbing is how several of you were quick to publicly scold Rob Skokos over his "mosque/kevlar vest" comment, yet Dwiggs and company were allowed to shamelessly bash Christianity unchecked. I personally take great offense to the comments made here including but not limited to being called an idiot, and I'm sure the silent majority on this forum agree with me. This thread is the perfect example of why we do not talk about religion and politics on Lambo Power. Just for future reference, lets steer clear of it.
  12. I took everyones advice and picked up a copy of Lone Survivor. Anyone want to take bets as to whether this gets made into a movie? Just an incredible book.... I slept a little more soundly last night knowing there are guys like Marcus out there protecting this country. On the other note, the whole first half of the book which highlighted the training and hell they went through to become SEALs made me feel like a huge pussy. I definitely want to be a better tougher man after reading this book.
  13. Its interesting you brought this up, I had a long conversation with some of my employees yesterday about the invasion of privacy being instituted by Onstar. I mean sure if you get in an accident and are knocked out I can see the plus side, however the thought of "them" knowing where I am at all times kinda gives me the creepy crawlies, and they have the ability to comepletely shut down the vehicle. Call me paranoid (and my employees did) but I think its tad "big-brother"
  14. That is a simply pathetic breakdown of our system. The efforts the paramedics took to get to the victim belong over in that "whats going on these days" thread. These people are supposed to do WHATEVER it takes to save people, snow storm be damned. I see a multi million dollar lawsuit in the future, and rightfully so.
  15. commercial was great. No idea who the girl is but Ive seen that house before, I believe it was for sale in the OC or Lajolla...I want that house. And the bike. and the boat.
  16. I'm sure we've all felt at times like the OP.....sometimes it seems like civility and considerations for our fellow human beings have gone out the window completely. Like Rob said in his post I've also noticed a complete lack of customer service from people who are in CUSTOMER SERVICE jobs...Its like they forgot that they are there to SERVE in some capacity and that if they do their job well that they will be compensated for it. But Its easy to focus too much on the negative crap going on in our world ( and theres a lot of it ) but I think there are plenty of people out there who are positive, considerate, and friendly and who will go the extra mile if they are working in some form of customer service. When we run into those types of people I think its our responsibility to notice them and encourage the positivity. Whether or not you believe in the bible doesnt really matter, but I think Jesus said it best - Treat your neighbor as you would want to be treated. If we could all put that into practice things would be alot better....
  17. I'm sure we've all felt at times like the OP.....sometimes it seems like civility and considerations for our fellow human beings have gone out the window completely. Like Rob said in his post I've also noticed a complete lack of customer service from people who are in CUSTOMER SERVICE jobs...Its like they forgot that they are there to SERVE in some capacity and that if they do their job well that they will be compensated for it. But Its easy to focus too much on the negative crap going on in our world ( and theres a lot of it ) but I think there are plenty of people out there who are positive, considerate, and friendly and who will go the extra mile if they are working in some form of customer service. When we run into those types of people I think its our responsibility to notice them and encourage the positivity. Whether or not you believe in the bible doesnt really matter, but I think Jesus said it best - Treat your neighbor as you would want to be treated. If we could all put that into practice things would be alot better....
  18. One of my best friends is part of the production company in LA that produced Undercover Boss. I can tell you guys that the show is indeed real in the sense that the CEOs genuinely are undercover and are actually trying to make changes within the company that will benefit even the lowest worker on the totem pole. Of course for the benefit of the TV audience there has to be some drama and some exaggerations such as the waste management party that was referred to above by somebody, but otherwise the premise of the show is genuine.
  19. Congratulations, that awesome! Keep us updated with all of your successes!!
  20. Ok the car actually looks quite nice, but check out the hilarious rant by Shizam himself at the bottom of the ad! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/LP-640-ROAD...=item27af52d7e4 " Ok, this global warning thing is getting out of hand. It has snowed for the past two years in Baton Rouge! See last photos of cold Lamborghini's. Some liberal explained how this is a sign of global warning, since it has not happened in decades. You see, my mind was too small to see that. That appeared to be a sign of global cooling to me. I guess that is how you get the nobel prize! Then what a great idea to hand out free cars to correct the global warming problem. Throw the old ones away, and shazam! No more global warming. If you want more free stuff, just vote for Obama again. I don't care if my grandkids have to pay back trillions of dollars, I will be long gone. Who cares about them. Just give me more free stuff right now. Don't be bashful, it is all to correct global warming. Never mind the devaluation of the dollar, you don't need it. You are getting free stuff! Come on, vote for more free stuff. Who needs to work. Yippeee. We should have done this long ago. Free Lamborghini's for everybody! It will correct global warming. Vote today. Disclaimer: (The foregoing does not necessarily express the opinion of the seller or the sellers agents. The author is solely responsible for the content therein. Besides, there is no election today anyway)"
  21. "The Brazillian Job"?? Hmmm with a title like that I'm sure most of L/P will be lining up to see it!
  22. Jay Leno himself from 2004 Talking about the relinquishing of the Tonight Show to Conan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GxGsHl2g9k...player_embedded
  23. havemercy

    Drive Safe

    holy crap. I think i might puke after watching that. A commercial like that would NEVER air in the US, but perhaps it should. I'm wondering if the percentage of drunk driving accidents in the US are that much higher than the UK...
  24. I can just see bonedoc making tai in his kitchen with an ar-15 slung on his shoulder!! great story, but as long as you have a property like that, kids will consider it a "challenge" to get to your front door and ring the doorbell and they will continue to try...maybe you need a few more dobermen!
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