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Finally a woman who gets it.

Guest Rob Burgundy

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Guest Rob Burgundy

Glad you guys enjoyed it...who knows,maybe it will sink in to some of these women and they will relax a little bit..







Then again. Probably not. lol

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What did she miss?


#7 You're Fat


#8 Too Many Cats


Or #9 You are ugly, but you think you are hot

#10 You are dumber than rocks

#11 You are flat, here is a number of a good plastic surgeon

#12 Gym membership-buy it

#13 Here is a dentists phone number-make an appointment


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Guest Rob Burgundy
Or #9 You are ugly, but you think you are hot

#10 You are dumber than rocks

#11 You are flat, here is a number of a good plastic surgeon

#12 Gym membership-buy it

#13 Here is a dentists phone number-make an appointment

#14 I can smell you trying to use me for money and my contacts and hookups from a mile away

#15 If you dress like that day to day then I dont even want to see you on a casual day

#16 Thats what you call a blow job?

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Someone awhile back talked about some quiz that they give women whenever they meet them, to ascertain whether there is anything going on behind those gorgeous eyes, and not just a pulse - (for long term commitments here fellas).


I remember a few were - "point north, name a president from the 80s..." That's it.


I think we need to develop a litmus test for women, to weed out the hoes. Frankly I've never been so scared of marriage in my life after reading some of the stories on here.

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Someone awhile back talked about some quiz that they give women whenever they meet them, to ascertain whether there is anything going on behind those gorgeous eyes, and not just a pulse - (for long term commitments here fellas).


I remember a few were - "point north, name a president from the 80s..." That's it.


I think we need to develop a litmus test for women, to weed out the hoes. Frankly I've never been so scared of marriage in my life after reading some of the stories on here.



Depends what you really want. I went through all this BS, in college at our house parties just for shits and giggles we'd ask girl when WW2 started, or who was the vice president... trust me, especially at a state school you don't want to have this conversation.. i remember when a guy started chiming in trying to prove that ww2 started in 1950..


but the point is - Are you trying to get laid or trying to find a long term thing - because only questions I should have been asking (and was eventually) is "shots or a beer cup? my room or your dorm? swallow or swallow?"




For guys looking for better quality women - start looking at foreign ones that came here not too long ago.. a lot easier to talk to them, they have gender roles in proper place, and are just interesting in general.



We could write a long post on why this is happening (happened) in America... it is sad when being marginally attractive constitutes for "shit don't stink" attitude I see so much

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I posted it on my facebook and more then 2/3 of the "likes" were from girls and nearly all the comments were girls agreeing and saying this was DEAD on! Pretty amazing if you ask me..or I just have really cool girlfriends!


Problem is, the girls that would read the article and agree with it, a good majority of them have the issues the article discusses. They just won't admit it.


My ex is bat shit crazy. But in her eyes, she is normal.


And overall, I (obviously) agree with the general consensus here...that it's difficult to find a woman with a good personality, confident and secure, and has a good head on her shoulders. Then again, there are a lot of men out there who have their own issues.

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I agree with that to some extent BUT the girls who date these loser guys go right back to them when there are quite obviously better guys out there and then we have to listen to them complain about "why does he keep treating me like this". I can't tell you how many girls have told me someone cheated on them only to find out weeks later that they are back together. Guys learn quicker that, "hey, this is a slutbag, i'm done with her". Girls do not learn at all it seems.

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Guest Rob Burgundy
I agree with that to some extent BUT the girls who date these loser guys go right back to them when there are quite obviously better guys out there and then we have to listen to them complain about "why does he keep treating me like this". I can't tell you how many girls have told me someone cheated on them only to find out weeks later that they are back together. Guys learn quicker that, "hey, this is a slutbag, i'm done with her". Girls do not learn at all it seems.

That's the sex and oxycotin she was pointing out that does that.


As shallow as this sounds if I liked a girl in the past and wanted to get her hooked I'd fcuk her as much as I could over a few day period and that was that. She was mine.


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That's the sex and oxycotin she was pointing out that does that.


As shallow as this sounds if I liked a girl in the past and wanted to get her hooked I'd fcuk her as much as I could over a few day period and that was that. She was mine.



What about now, are chloroform and rope on sale again?

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Guest Rob Burgundy
What about now, are chloroform and rope on sale again?

I prefer not to think of it as rape in so much as " surprise sex!" lol


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Someone awhile back talked about some quiz that they give women whenever they meet them, to ascertain whether there is anything going on behind those gorgeous eyes, and not just a pulse - (for long term commitments here fellas).


I remember a few were - "point north, name a president from the 80s..." That's it.


I think we need to develop a litmus test for women, to weed out the hoes. Frankly I've never been so scared of marriage in my life after reading some of the stories on here.


That was me. It was from a post I saw on a blog named "Genius Test" (and the guy wrote this as a funny people so don't anyone get bent out-of-shape!):


Genius Test

So I cannot help but know that the Dixie Chicks have won 5 Emmy's because it's all over the news.


I didn't even know the Emmy's were for music, let alone what the Grammy's and the Whammy's and the Slammy's are for. I never paid attention. And the radio show host I was listening to at the time pointed out that the only people who paid attention to this and gave a damn are probably below the mean intelligence of the nation.


In other words, you may have knowledge, but if it's in particular areas, you are guaranteed to be an idiot.


Perfect example was when I was back in high school and our congressional representative came in and gave a speech. He asked the students if anybody knew how many congressional members there were. I looked around and not one student had the answer. Thus the paradox that class will last longer if we don't answer these questions, so I figured I'd better just answer so we could get out of there.






So behind me was sitting this future welfare recipient who at the age of 15 tattooed a spider web surrounding his eye. He leans over and says, "heh, how many cans of beer are in a case?"


I didn't know.


"I don't know, 24?"


And literally in a Beavis and Butthead accent said, "hu hu, it's 16, shows you how much you know."


And the more I thought about it, the more I realized, "yes, it actually does."


So I thought instead of testing intelligence by seeing how much you know why not test intelligence by seeing how much you DON'T know. Here are things I don't know, test yourself to see how little you know and how intelligent you are!


1. What are the Grammy's for?


2. Name one person on the current episode of Lost.


3. Where is the welfare office in your county?


4. T/F Dawsons Creek was about a guy named Dawson and the creek he owned.


5. Name one contestant on Teen Idol.


6. Sing the lyrics to a modern day song played on the teeny bopper girly station.


7. If you wanted to get meth, where would you go to get it?


8. Name any member of any present day boy band.


9. What is the rough price of a shirt at the GAP and/or Ambercrombie and Fitch?


10. If you went to college, where was the sociology department headquartered?


0-1 right? YOU'RE A GENIUS!!!


2-3 right? Congratulations, you are smarter than average!


6-4 right? Good enough that are well-rounded, arguably have a social life and are probably smart enough to vote!


7-9 right? Dude, hit Drudge Report


Perfect score? Out of the gene pool!


Sadly this also reminds me of three simple questions my male friends and I are using to screen women we may have potential romantic interests in;


1. What war was Pearl Harbor in?


2. Name a president from the 80's.


3. Point north.


We have yet to get one woman (let alone the few guys we've tested it on) answer all three correctly.

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Its not bad but it is wrong. What happens if a woman asks about how many diapers come in a pack, what is the right baby food for 6 month year olds or what is the best designer right now, I don't know about you but I would have no idea... do they need to really know a president from the 80's?

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Its not bad but it is wrong. What happens if a woman asks about how many diapers come in a pack, what is the right baby food for 6 month year olds or what is the best designer right now, I don't know about you but I would have no idea... do they need to really know a president from the 80's?


Well again it is meant for humor, it's not supposed to be a scientifically-designed intelligence test for screening women. However, IMO everyone should at least know who the American presidents of the 20th century were.

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Well again it is meant for humor, it's not supposed to be a scientifically-designed intelligence test for screening women. However, IMO everyone should at least know who the American presidents of the 20th century were.


Everyone or just Americans? I know I couldn't list every US president from the 20th century. That brings me to a point though, there are many different types of intelligence. I think the easiest way to split them is into wisdom vs intelligence, or knowing vs thinking.

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Everyone or just Americans? I know I couldn't list every US president from the 20th century. That brings me to a point though, there are many different types of intelligence. I think the easiest way to split them is into wisdom vs intelligence, or knowing vs thinking.


By "everyone," mostly Americans I'd think.

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Guest Rob Burgundy

Let me break this down a little bit ;)


"I'm not sure how it took nearly a week for her Huffington Post column, "Why You're Not Married," to land in front of me, but it finally did. And now I'm fired up -- not in an angry way but in the sort of way that made me skip to my desk, excited to type."


Right honey..I use to date a girl that would say IM NOT ANGRY..IM JUST FRUSTRATED too. LOL


"I'll be the first to admit I've got issues (c'mon, who doesn't?), but I'm not owning these."


I could sense that the minute this article got you "fired up!" Hit you square between the eyes,didnt it?


"Based on the buzz surrounding her conversation-starting piece, I'm laying down and lining up behind reason number seven: Life happens."


Yeah. This is called playing the VICTIM and blaming others for your short comings and failures


"Maybe you spent your adolescence clashing with a stepfather who didn't get you emotionally. And maybe the father who did get you had been relegated by the courts, when you were 2 and your parents divorced, to every-other-weekend access. Maybe your first love cheated on you

But that's nothing some therapy and better hair sense can't fix, right?"


Great. So you went through some emotional heart ache like EVERYONE does sooner or later and you needed therapy for it and think by primping your hair instead of moving forward this will help fix it or make you feel better? GEEZ Its a WONDER your still single. Who WOULDNT want to marry a basket case that drags her past into every new current moment.



"Maybe you were and still are a hopeful (I refuse to say hopeless) romantic who for years held a candle for the one you thought was The One. He'd changed your life, after all, when he lured you to Israel (though it could have been Thailand, for all you cared) -- allowing you to claim that Jewish side of yourself you'd never embraced before.


And maybe he slipped and called you his soul mate at one point, a statement you caught and remembered. So even after you read the diary he'd left out, oops, learned about the Brazilian woman with amazing eyes, broke up and dated others, you still held out hope for him. You stupidly took the crumbs he tossed you from time to time and thought they had meaning. Finally, you got through your thick noggin that the guy just wasn't that into you. Hell, he wasn't even all that nice to you. You learned he wasn't the one who got away. He was the one who got in the way."


WELL YOU CRAZY BITCH. Stop reading intimate details in someones diary where they put their most intimate thoughts and feelings and maybe next time you wont break your dream guys trust!! Thats a sure way to end something quick


"One day, while taking a break from kayaking, when you least expected it, maybe he pulled out a ring and asked you to marry him.


Maybe you said yes but then freaked out. You couldn't eat dinner, and you love dinner. Maybe you snuck out of the B&B in the middle of the night. You found a pay phone and called your father, with whom you'd grown profoundly close, sobbing. Maybe you were seized by fear. But everyone around you, including your therapist, said they expected nothing less, given your family history. They even said it would be weird if you didn't freak out. So you were engaged to be married."


Are you fcuking kidding me?! So you finally have a GOOD GUY WHO LOVES YOU AND IS WILLING TO COMMIT TO YOU FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE and what do you do? FREAK THE fcuk OUT AND blow it and keep thinking the grass is greener on the other side. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE FIRST ARTICLE TALKS ABOUT AND WHATS WRONG WITH MOST CRAZY fcuking WOMEN.


"Maybe, even as you licked those wounds in your pathetic little apartment, you began to appreciate your courage. You learned to trust yourself more. You realized your past didn't define your future; you did. And then, maybe when you were finally prepared to date again, you woke up a single Jew living in Utah."


And here come the feminine ANGER AND INDEPENDENCE! "Im stronger this way! you go girl! you blew of a completley good guy that wanted to spend his life with you! KUDOS! Now ill go drown my sorrow in a bowl of ice cream.

explains a lot too being from Utah where women live in a bubble and think your prince cant come find you unless he arrives on a white steed caring 4 dozen roses and just slayed a dragon.


"Maybe you were approaching 40 when you arrived in the South. Maybe you were slapped across the face with the reminder that most people your age are married with children. Maybe you went to a singles event and became convinced you were the oldest one there, so you ducked out early."


BIG surprise. The people who were smart enough to be happy and say maybe this is a good as it could be and I should be happy with it are living a wonderful life with children and your ducking out of singles dances afraid of commitment.


"Maybe you agreed to go on dates you dreaded because you were determined to have an open mind. Maybe you learned you had good reasons to dread those dates. You wolfed down a nice piece of salmon as one man told you, within the first hour of meeting, that he cheated on his wife, still loves his ex-girlfriend and didn't go to his own father's funeral. Maybe you thought you should charge him for therapy."


I feel awful for any man who has to be set up on a date with you knowing that it is already predetermined by you to be a failure and that he should just be able to stick his 80 dollars back in his pocket and not have to waste his evening with a nut case thats made up her mind about how its going to go before she even gets there.


"But maybe you still believe there's someone great out there for you. You're ready, you know you have so much to give, and you look forward to meeting him -- wherever and whenever that might be."


Dont worry honey. you wont ever have to worry about this happening for you.


"And in the meantime, you know you have a lot to be grateful for. Maybe you have a career you love, and through the stories of suffering you hear, you know that if still being single is your biggest problem, you are damn lucky."


GOOD! be content in that because with that mindset that is all you will ever have to worry about doing.


"Sure, you might be a bitch, a slut, a liar, shallow, selfish or not good enough. Maybe, though, you happen to be 41 and single because life, real life with all its complications, has just worked out that way. So far.


But, hey, what do I know? Maybe that's just me."

Its called "Playing the victim of your circumstance" and dont worry honey. Its not just you. There are many others out there just as fcuking nuts. There called your single sisters that you spend the weekends bitching on the phone with about how "theres no good men" and letting all of lifes wonderful opportunity's pass you right by.

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