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Everything posted by Aventador22

  1. This is by far my favorite Bug! Not a huge fan of obnoxious paints on the Bugatti but this one looks amazing!
  2. Seems like the 12C fits all your requirements. Looking forward to seeing what you end up with!
  3. Damn that's what I'm talking about! Hoping the future version takes cues from this!
  4. Ones at my dealer in Houston were marked up too when I went in a few weeks ago. They said the only way I was getting one at MSRP or under was to order one.
  5. Some gorgeous pics Hovik! Keep them coming.
  6. Polished. Green would be too much IMO.
  7. Interview He's more likable after listening to this. Can't deny that he lives a ridiculous lifestyle.
  8. I wonder what it's like actually experiencing that. The video itself got me super excited and I wasn't even the one driving it! Can't wait to read more impressions once you receive it and hopefully get into one of these things one dat!
  9. Congrats man. Saw this at CC this weekend as well. Beautiful looking ride!
  10. I saw that 599 at Supercar Saturday last weekend! If I knew it were you I would have stopped by and introduced myself. It was a stunning car. Hope to meet you at the next one! Congrats on the rides buddy!
  11. The 918 starts at $845K, this SV is getting pretty close to the hyper car market.
  12. $680,000 starting so upwards of $700 fully optioned..interesting seeing it so early but I can't wait to see how they make it look better and more aggressive than the LP720. 800 horses is going to be awesome! Team Salamone FB something earlier.
  13. Only thing that could make this car more perfect would be 640 tails!
  14. Just going to leave this here. No words for this pic!
  15. Good taste in super cars makes her that much hotter!
  16. Hate to see a deal crumble because of something small like this. Both of you guys need to quit being so stubborn and make this work.
  17. I didn't know he daily drove his Countach. 70,000 miles is impressive!
  18. Test drove one today and my gosh! It totally blew me away. It's like an orchestra playing behind your ears. Plenty of power, looks great both inside and out, and sounds insane!
  19. Hoping he'll come back eventually. It was awesome getting insight into the hyper car world all the way from the purchase to first impressions to a full write up.
  20. iPhoto has a feature I believe. I made one for a recent vacation and it came out beautifully!
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