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Andrew R.

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Everything posted by Andrew R.

  1. I bet it gets fixed by someone and not parted out...
  2. Way too many remakes these days. Hope they do not mess it up like they do with most of them. But that seems to be a profitable business model, suck whatever you can from any branding.
  3. Funny video.. wonder who come up with the idea and why...!?
  4. I didnt like the Reventon at first, but then after seeing it in person.. and finally driving one, it was a cool car. Yes, I know it's an LP640, but the styling was extreme and a nice test of what would come design wise with the Aventador. What are values these days? Pretty flat on them?
  5. Interesting that's for sure. There are a couple aspects of it that I do not mind, but much of it is not for me!
  6. Very sad to see.. may he rest in peace. This video isn't that recent, but looks like he had a nice comfy life on the surface: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVIpDoSCcy4
  7. Yes, I did have a little luck with that one since I bought in 2012. For the sake of current owners, I hope the high prices remain. I do believe the vintage lambos were undervalued for a long time, but the recent big upswing in the market really surprised myself and many others. I didn't think the Diablos would come up for another few years, but it happened. I also never thought I would see a Jalpa sell for over $50k... now you see some nearing $100k. Which is fantastic for the Jalpa owners because just a few years ago you could buy a Jalpa for $25-30k, put $30k into it, and it was still only worth $30-40k. Wow things have changed... never imagined an Espada for over $50k either!
  8. Ummm, ok. Maybe hot ladies underneath would help me understand the art of it
  9. The only real form of the stock market I have done is through my 401k, and it hasn't done much up or down.
  10. Interesting reading.... I work in the American auto industry, and with gas prices down... we cannot build enough trucks, so sales are great. But the pounding in 2007 to 2009 was terrible... hope it does not repeat.
  11. ToofDoc, yes of course we can send a LIFETIME member a t-shirt! Just email the size you would like and we'll get it shipped out to you. gLA, more vintage photos will be soon posted on there.. scanning them is taking hours and hours! Thanks gents for the support! We still have some t-shirts left, so anyone else that wants to join/renew in the next couple days, we can still honor this offer!
  12. Great photos, wish I was down in Florida for some lambo driving right now! What is the USA dealer count now?
  13. Amazing! Hard to truly realize how small we are in the scheme of things!
  14. Nice looking Miura from the photos, but like any other purchase... have someone with a trained eye look closer at the car before bidding. Hope it does well at auction. Speaking of auction result estimates.. what happened to my prize from my winning estimate on the Miura we talked about on here about a year ago?
  15. There are many factors here... for example when I sold my 94 Diablo, the buyer didn't care much about the mileage, he cared about the condition, service history, and the fact that Valentino signed the door sill! Likewise when I bought my 06 Murci, it had miles on it, and I sold it with miles added by me... to a gentleman who drives it more often than I did! Anyway, both my Diablo and Murci were higher mileage than average when looking at others for sale at the time. But the condition of both exceeded anything else for sale - so I had no trouble at all selling them. And when I bought my Miura... I didn't care what the odometer said. Now of course, if I am buying a newer model (less than say five years old), with all things being equal, I would take the lower mileage example. But how often do you find two of the exact car you want, but one with higher or lower mileage?
  16. Yes, the brand has changed (and is changing), and I have mixed feelings like most.... but the brand is alive and strong - and that makes a bold statement.
  17. Anyone know who this is? A few news companies have called me.. they want to interview the owner for tomorrow's news in San Diego. Would be funny to see what the guy (or gal) has to say!
  18. Did you get your car going? What ended up being the problem? I had optima batteries before, but once they go down low once, they are usually ruined. So I have been using the die-hard platinum batteries since and have been happy.
  19. Did you get your car going? What ended up being the problem? I had optima batteries before, but once they go down low once, they are usually ruined. So I have been using the die-hard platinum batteries since and have been happy.
  20. Sad news for sure, prayers for his family and may his soul rest in peace. Looks a lot like the impact that killed a buddy of mine five years ago in his murci in LA... tree/post direct impact at the driver's door.
  21. Like everyone else, wish I had one of these! Awesome looking LM!
  22. Josh, Congrats on your Murci, it looks great! Now get some miles on it before the weather gets bad!
  23. C-T-J, thanks for the kind post. Yeah, you hit on a challenging point.. local drives and events. That is tough because we are a small community, and only a percentage get their cars out to drive them... and then only a certain percentage of those drivers are willing to help organize something. So a big thank you to the guys that do help! Thank you all for the loyalty to the Lamborghini Club America!
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