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Everything posted by Tiago

  1. 205F isn't particularly hot, but I am not sure how cool the Diablos run. the Fuel trims mean the computer is adding or subtracting fuel by that % on the respective bank, in order to achieve the targeted air fuel ratio.
  2. that's a beautiful car! post more pictures!
  3. Don't be scared Mullet. I hear this thing might make it to TI someday.
  4. I don't foresee the throttle open changing the results much, if any. You can put a little oil in each cylinder and test again, to see if the numbers go up. This would point to where the compression loss is coming from, cyl walls, or valves. They also make a kit that you can use, to pressurize the cylinder, and if there is a head gasket leak, you can observe the bubbles in the coolant tank live, without the car running.
  5. GM has under rated all motors since 1997 pretty much.
  6. without tuning to increase the timing to take advantage of it, I can't see it doing anything, might even hurt performance lol.
  7. fcuk that's amazing. I would want the intake just for aesthetics LOL.
  8. second fastest car on the track ever, must be doing something right...
  9. great to see so many diablos and countach's out, typically only see gallardos everywhere.
  10. Whatever number she tells you, multiply by 5 for the truth...
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