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Everything posted by RedGTS

  1. The Americans jump the guy and subdue him, the Brit comes in afterward and helps tie him up, and the Frenchman injures himself while triggering the alarm, lol.
  2. Yeah let's make those pods sitting on top of the dash a different color so they look more "stuck on" than usual--that's great idea!
  3. Awesome car! Glad we've got at least one in TN.
  4. RedGTS


    If you hate spending time at a station and plan to drive a Tesla anywhere you'll need to stop at a supercharger you're really not going to like the wait. Local use won't have that problem though.
  5. The only thing I can remember after that was a brief appearance where he popped up and claimed it was the most powerful Lamborghini ever on pump gas (1,200 whp maybe?), which I think Kevin pointed out wasn't true (even assuming it made whatever he claimed).
  6. Yeah McLaren's product rollout has destroyed any chance their cars had to hold their value. About the only "safe" buy in a McLaren right now as far as not taking a hit on resale is probably an early MP4 at $150k or less, and I'm not even sure about that with the lower priced cars coming out.
  7. My guess is the same one who wrote about how in eight weeks time he would make a 2WD Lambo that would be quicker and faster than any Lambo in history and well over a year later pushed said Lambo into its launch party.
  8. No, the problem has been there on all of them. My question would be what it is he thinks GM has done to fix the problem, and whether it really fixes it.
  9. Every time I read one of your posts I can feel brain cells dying. Lots of things are "removable." People are talking about how the car was raced, not what it might look like after you removed a bunch of stuff. And you left out the clown car tires, again. Do those look like they go on a stock GTR? Underground will never show its videos because it didn't win. Underground should think about going public. Good Lord get a clue.
  10. And a hideous one at that. They'll need to do a lot better than that.
  11. Again? He's never actually run. He just acts like he might so he can soak up as much publicity as possible, which is like oxygen to him. If he does try to "run" it will be to extend his window of attention some as he knows he has no chance.
  12. I am not a Lebron fan by any means, but that one foul he was crying the most about was so bad I wouldn't have blamed him if he had gone over and bumped the ref or worse. He tried to take the ball up to shoot and the defender hacked down over both his forearms, nowhere near his hands or the ball, and the ball flew straight up in the air, while the ref stood there watching with his whistle swallowed about 10 feet away. One of the worst no-calls I've ever seen at any level. Game was a massive failure by GS and Curry--20% shooting by an MVP in the Finals is ridiculous, but I don't think he'll shoot that poorly again so I still don't see the Cavs being able to win the series.
  13. I have a hard time seeing how someone's sincerely held belief that they are the wrong gender is any different than what sufferers of body integrity identity disorder a/k/a amputee identity disorder have. These are people who have an oppressive and I assume sincerely held belief that one or more of their healthy limbs do not belong to them. So they want the limb(s) removed. Badly. As of right now, I think BIID is still treated as a psychiatric disorder, while the desire to change one's gender (including wanting one's penis amputated rather than a limb) apparently is not. I don't see much of a basis for distinguishing the two conditions.
  14. He said in that first interview he did that he is not gay, and that this doesn't have anything to do with his sexuality, so presumably he still likes women. My old Allstate agent was actually the same way--a former guy who liked girls who became a transsexual woman who liked girls. Basically made him/herself homosexual. The best thing about this whole Bruce Jenner thing is when he told whoever was interviewing him that he was also a Republican/conservative. The interviewer was a lot more shocked by that than him maybe wanting to cut off his johnson.
  15. RedGTS

    C7Z wrecks..

    Hard to believe that happened going straight on a 1-2 shift with stability control on. It's actually hard to believe it happened at all. Crazy.
  16. Says "Renntech tune" on the vid, which makes me wonder what it would run stock. Maybe high 11's at 120 or so? Looks a lot like a 911 from the rear.
  17. Yeah it went about like everyone expected, unfortunately. Manny had no chance unless he was a lot busier than Floyd, and he wasn't (theoretically he could have gotten in one lucky hard punch but the odds of that were slim and none given Manny's age and his opponent). So Floyd ground out a mostly one-sided, boring win. I was actually surprised two judges had it 8 rounds to 4, as if Manny could have somehow stolen 2 more rounds on those cards (say the last one and another one somewhere), it would have been a draw. As big a nut as Tyson was, he put on a hell of a show, marching to the ring with no robe, black trunks and gloves, and anger you could see boiling out of him, and then as soon as the bell rang the bombs started flying. It's no wonder no one watches boxing anymore.
  18. CGL policies typically exclude it, but I think commercial property coverage policies usually cover damage caused by "riot or civil commotion," but not "acts of war." My guess is CVS and the other businesses are covered, but as others have pointed out, that doesn't mean they'll rebuild.
  19. Meh. Pay his workers double what the market commands, or pay himself and contribute the money to charity, who cares? It's his company and he can do what he wants with it. Pretty much meaningless outside the context of a very closely held private company.
  20. He better hope a video of the murder doesn't surface down the road.
  21. Doubt there will be nearly as much protesting about this one, just because the cop has already been fired and is sitting in jail charged with murder. So they can protest the act, but not the response, which is usually their focus. If he were to get off or get some sweet sounding plea bargain then yeah, things would go nuts, but the odds of that are slim and none IMO.
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