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Everything posted by lee

  1. Btw, about bernie needing the ignorant teenagers, generally speaking, the higher educated you are the more likely it is that you´ll vote left(atleast according to studies in europe I´ll assume it´ll translate to the US to). Pretty much every scientist is a democrat or liberal *putsflamesuiton*.
  2. Come on now, is anyone here really rooting vor trump?? If he does only half of what he says(protectionism, tradewars) the world economy will crash within the first half of his first term and we´ll be in WW3 by the end of it. And I´m not trying to exaggerate. Clinton is certainly the lesser of two evils.
  3. Actually the story is not could very well be true. My parents used to tell me that birth certificates in their childhood days were often given years after the child was actually born(turkey in the 60s). In fact we to this day not know how old our gradmother exactly was when she died. Or how old exactly my uncle is.
  4. You would need strict rules. Like passing exams with certain degrees. I just don´t think you can chalk it all up just like that. Working hard needs to be encouraged and rewarded but we also need a fair playing ground and same chances for everyone(which funnily starts at education the poor parents cannot provide for their kids). It is not much of a secret that the giant corporations are stacking crazy amounts of cash over seas through tax-loopholes and not reinvesting it into the economy while at the same time the middle class seems to be disappearing and the poorest are worse of. It just makes you think. At the end of the day those in power will always try to change things for their best interests(human nature). That in itself creates an unequal society where not everyone has the same chances. You need a balanced system that creates a stable, slowly growing and peaceful society. Everything else will backfire sooner or later(see french revolution, lol) Now where that balance lies is the question.
  5. As a european citizen(and entrepreneur might I add) where what you guys would call "socialism" is the norm and Bernie Snaders would almost be called right wing it is interesting to watch the arguements of both sides. One thing I never understood for instance are those crazy sums of money you seem to be needing for college in the US. Wouldn´t it be wise to make it more affordable(and I´m not talking about free). Cause in the end it creates high end jobs who in return create higher tax payers and also drive innovation and job growth and give the country an edge over others. Why would you not wanna encourage those things? Especially if you look at all the cash the universities are hording and essentially keeping away from the economy. What for? Now in europe it is free in most countries nowadays and I agree and have no problem paying a little more in income taxes to help finance it for the benefit of all. Now there are also things I don´t agree with, like the social security tax which is just an obscene amount here and just seems to be a tool to make the politicians richer.
  6. It´s abviously fake. Just open you eyes, the bear has been plastered in really badly.
  7. Exactly! You don´t need to follow a certain religion or a have certain cultural background to be a terrorist.
  8. Turkey has turned into a quasi dictatorship under the rule of erdogan and putin is his main role model. Those two deserve each other. Erdogan is also using this to portray himself as a strong international ruler and the unyiedling protector of all turks. He wants to turn turkeys parliamentary system into a presidential so that he can continue ruling. For that he needs a positive public referendum as he does not have enough votes in parliamant to change the constitution. So he shoots down a russian jet and keeps serving strong rethoric.
  9. Old cutlass supreme http://www.auctionsamerica.com/images/lots...S11_r459_01.jpg Just imagine black roof.
  10. The only real difference in culture and values stems from education or lack off it in the middle east. The abrahamic religions are all pretty violent and wanna teach forgiveness and compassion at the same time. Still, the US should find a way to show them the finger imho.
  11. It says that they liked the SV better before they had the test data in their hands as it was not really able prove itself compared to the other two versions. Basically awesome to drive, but not that much faster than the others.
  12. I totally agree, and would act the same way. I´m just trying to say that not all people are reasonable with the usage of a gun(as you yourself have pointed out, something is wrong with society) that´s why the access to guns should be heavily restricted/controlled. Let me paint the extreme to make my point clear: Giving psychotic, paranoid and mentally unstable people with anger management problems guns is far worse than giving no one a gun. That´s basically my way of thinking. And yes, I know that if someone want´s a gun, they´ll get it one way or another. A dilemma. And let me apologize, reading my earlier posts again, it came across as if I was trying to show you in a bad light. It wasn´t meant that way. English is not my first language(not even my second) so I can´t always perfectly bring the things across the way I want to.
  13. Might have made a fool out of myself with this story, but what I was trying the conveye doesn´t change by that. Doesn´t change the fact that this guy has another chance of maybe turning his life around. Whatever, we can agree to disagree, I see it rather unemotional. And btw, I love my ass
  14. Normally I would agree. I love reading his posts on pretty much every topic with the exception of this one here. Having guns around is all in all just a bad Idea, an he himsels proved it a few months ago. I quote from his thread"Kindof a scary story": So the only reason this man that wasn´t out for any violence didn´t die and roman didn´t get into legal troubles(although he says he probably wouldn´t have goten any, i beliee him, he is an attorney after all) is because the family where the guy intruded didn´t seem to have a gun, or atleast wasn´t as ready to use one as quickly as roman. A human shouldn´t take any other humans life so lightly as to just shoot blindly around as soon as he perceives any amount of danger(which is highly subjective and depends on many factors). And btw. roman acting this way also comes full circle to the way he described the problems of our society a few posts earlier. Sould a human who would kill this easily really be given the possibility to do so? Are humans worth this little? I myself have witnessed a similar situation that didn´t end so well. Just do your reasearch, there´s a ton more of such stories than of stories of homeowners really saving their own ass from robbers with a gun. Having guns around normally hurts the innocent and the gun owners(most of the time beause they simply don´t have the educational background to properly deal with a dangerous situation and/or with a gun). Now I am not against guns at all(own one myself) but the access needs to be highly restricted to those who are sane and can cope with stress and danger(yeah, I know, how you gonna do such a background test?). We also need to rationally grasp that we have been indoctrinated by a certain way of life and a certain way of thinking since our childhood(guns are cool and a necessitiy = US, guns suck and are dangerous = EU) so that we are able to break out of them and see clearly for ourselfs what is beast and what not.
  15. Interesting Video with some interesting studies.
  16. Call it destiny! You should keep us updatet with such projects the way you did with your house! I´d love it!
  17. Fantastic project Fortis! I should visit down under, you might need a good electrician every once in a while How long has it been since you started developing/bulding?
  18. lee

    FIFA arrests

    FIFA finally seems to have gotten what was coming for them for ages. On the one hand I am glad that the US did something, on the other hand I find it scary that they can so easily arrest someone(yeah, yeah, I know, oficially it was the swiss) in a foreign country who is not a US citizen and bring them to their soils to judge them.
  19. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/201...-italy-ia42nuxs Hopefully this will generate enough money fpr Lambo to build a true Hypercar.
  20. Absolutely agree with assman, it seems she attacked his mother first so he stepped in and went a little overboard.
  21. My god you really are biased in a certain way towards Airbus. Not that I care, but it really seems to be a predominant theme in almost every other post of yours that has anything to do with aviation. There´s no government agencies on this board(I hope, lol), no one is thinking about buying an Airbus, or rather a Beoing in here that you could persuade.
  22. Tires must be playing a huge part in this. I don´t think a relatively small power bump and a little weight saving can go this far in terms of enhancing the performance.
  23. Maybe this is a foreshadowing for an incoming Huracan powerbump.
  24. Hey that´s pretty much my fathers story too However, digging yourself out of a financial hole is a completely different thing compared to injustice on a organised and political level(again, if it is true the way the media is portaying). You wonßt change s a certain group of people and a certan political landscape with just hard work on your own. Go tell that the guys who let their lifes during the arab spring(now I know I´m over dramatizing here, lol). Nothing changes without pressure.
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