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Everything posted by TestShoot

  1. Guys, many of you probably have FastTrak, Express lanes, EZ Pass or other toll road transponders. I am having tape issues, maybe some of you have experienced this too. I own multiple cars but this unit stays primarily in one car. The tape adheres to the windshield with no errors, but new strips of Velcro will not stick to the transponder itself. I have bought three kinds of tape and even tried a rubber cement and all fail within a week or two. It's like the damned thing is coated in some anti-glue repellent and it is not like the temperatures are through the roof either. I took a sharp turn with the window open and my cat-like reflexes caught it as it shot out the window. I mean, it was a "Hail Mary" fingertip catch. No way will I tape it to the dashboard and some of those suction cup holders won't fit into the gap where I need it to.
  2. TestShoot


    I sat and watched it with my buddy that was on the crew of the film. It was not as bad as critics made it to be, but it was not good. The dialogue was clunky, the lighting inconsistent, and the orc did not set up classic Will Smith one-liners. It was a little Hancock, and a little Alien Nation. I saw it, but only to fill the evening of drinking and loneliness.
  3. I am totally in to get my car sandblasted first thing on a Sunday. j/k best of luck, I miss the old CC days Beachfront cars is like sex on the beach or in a hot tub. You realize real fast sand is not your friend, it will be there in the cracks forever, and water is the opposite of lube.
  4. Glad to help. I got a bunch of these Plastic Ammo Cans, I use them for my yard solar gear too. You can build one at a Walmart, Target, or Harbor Freight. Fill the empty space with your recharger.
  5. Let me guess, need to start barn-find cars? No love for airline friendly items, forget it. Get a big plastic ammo can, get a large 6v battery, put one bolt for each pole through the top, use for jump points. If you just need a "cheater" for smaller things like farm equipment, you can wire up a trio of 6v camping/lantern batteries in the can.
  6. Are we supposed to fear the death troopers? because they all died pretty easily like darth maul. And given his true name. Osama Ben Solo is far better than Kylo Ren. Kylo Ren sounds like a female tween pop star that does kid's covers of popular songs on Radio Disney.
  7. So what happened after Luke killed Darth? Like in the first movies, we all believed it was over, but suddenly no? It's still a family feud with the whole galaxy sucked in. Spoilers and some questions about how bad SW is now, so many bad plot devices: https://io9.gizmodo.com/the-24-biggest-ques...wars-1821308682
  8. Girls don't like sex and the female orgasm is a myth. Repress! Repress! Repress!
  9. how much effective weight is ahead of the front axle line? It makes me think low speed cornering, aside from hitting everything in sight like a sailor on shore leave, is screaming understeer to me, but driving is telling, so, somebody that is not a fcuking blogger go drive it.
  10. Bitcoin is more stable than the Lpower database these days
  11. fake hair, fake eyes, fake gold, fake fame
  12. That is NOT HER instagram. also the video made me kinda ill.
  13. TestShoot

    Grand Tour

    Fell asleep twice. The only unscripted part of the show is when they breathe.
  14. Supercar Ace helped me move some cars that would have been ticketed for red flag warnings. The Skirball Fire ™ is raining ash on my place. I have been outside all day fixing my sprinklers to wet-down the yard.
  15. Colors will change the opinions, add on some aftermarket CF bits, and voila! As a happy X6M owner, I think this appeals to me. It could foreshadow an Audi RQ7 or Bentalphabetagaga Supersport. Say one bad word about my X6m, I dare you!
  16. I love all the chicken little/confirmation bias types running around screaming "the sky is falling" and "I told you so" when it is still up 300% since May. You're a hater, not a psychic.
  17. once you figure out what is happening in Westworld, it is ruined for you. Fight Club 2.0 Mr. Robot is visually appealing, but that's all.
  18. It's such old news that it was in the backstory of Stephen King's Mr. Mercedes.
  19. 100k for a P1800 lol I loved mine, but seriously 100k wtf
  20. Ace has right of refusal on screenings at Imax now. I see your magic castle invites and lower the bar with bad movies.
  21. We are Imax, so yes and more... but it was in Atmos.
  22. All comic book movies are the same. Group has to get together despite their difference to save the world from an enemy that is impossible to defeat, if not for this one little thing... The Death Star "exhaust vent" trope. Gal Gadot ad WonderWoman has 2 poses; crossed gauntlets and arm with sword drawn back. Then as Diana, it is subtle but all about no bra and loose cleavage. Imax is my main client right now, but I am starting to think about declining some of these free screenings. I see about 2-3 movies a month, in Imax, because my office has two theaters built in.
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