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Everything posted by phxdiablo

  1. It all boils down to how much you value your time. If you value your time at $100/hour and this guy's "ROTI" (Return on Time Invested) is less than $100, you fire him and tell him to get lost. If his business translates > $100/hour, you keep him. Asses the value of your time and then relate that to the investment this chap requires. Of course, I say this with respect to an organization you control -- firing customers as en employee of someone else's organization can lead to your firing. So be careful and good luck!
  2. I vote for NO BAN ... seems like he learned from his mistake and this is quite a public lashing along the lines that Pumcy got with that Hyundai.
  3. Freaking mad skillz from the Asian lady ... I give this 48 hours before this is front page news.
  4. phxdiablo

    Obama fans

    Yea although I agree, I give this thread about 4 minutes before it gets shut down. Shame on you sir!
  5. Wow, and to think it was 105 degrees here today ... and you are a 3 hour plane ride away?
  6. Have u tried to reboot in Safemode? Then go into the registry and delete the entry that auto-starts it. Then find that file in C:/system and delete it. If the software download can't remove it, I'd save my precious files to an external drive and reinstall the operating system.
  7. Unplug your printer and your computer. Pick it up, go out back and look for a big black container. They are usually plastic or steel. Toss it the container; don't worry about the smell that's just rotting lettuce and other garbage. Then go to Best Buy and buy a Mac. Problem solved.
  8. Then I'd call that effective. If your kid is that 1 of 10 it saves, it was worth it.
  9. My well wishes and prayers to you ... please let us know how it goes.
  10. Of course I can't speak how you will react, but this is exactly how it was. I went from 50 days of sun a year to 340. I turned into a completely different person - motivated, alive, vibrant, risk taking -- and had I stayed in Chicago, I surely would be A) Dead or Delivering pizza and strung out on anti-depressants. I also left blind and had to start fresh with no friends, no family, and no job. Eventually, my entire family followed because they also saw 'the light'. These moves are capable of transforming your life in great new directions. Good luck sir!
  11. From Chicago to Phoenix ... was the best decision I ever made in my life. My memories of those 26 years in Chicago are like a nightmare whereas Phoenix, a dream. I moved because I need sun to survive, more open spaces, cheaper standard of living, and a better climate favorable to small business. As for moving back, NEVER. I might be interested in a month long vacation in the city, but that is about it. My next "relocation" might be to Costa Rica.
  12. phxdiablo

    Lambo Tool!

    I don't know what's worse ... The replicrap, lying to your kid, or lying to the world.
  13. phxdiablo

    Lambo Tool!

    Ooooh this thread just got legendary! I had some MLM tool "friend" me on Facebook and say "Hello I'm a fellow Lambo owner!" and when I looked at his "Lambo" it was a kit car. I had to resist the temptation to call him on it but opted out.
  14. You know, he's a decent looking man ... well groomed, with a job, successful (relative to "society") obviously was in good shape, seemed to be attempting to be social ... I doesn't add up.
  15. I knew the link would go dead once it went viral ... lucky I copied it!!
  16. Here is the gunman's blog where he apparently chronicles the event ... there is enough here to castigate him to the media's liking. Makes for interesting reading ... and no one read this shit and warned anyone? Wow. http://georgesodini.com/20090804.htm
  17. If you have proof that would hold up in court I'd also press charges with an officer present during firing.
  18. I can't imagine what would provoke someone to open fire in an aerobics classroom. Had to be a love triangle but I'm sure state-run media will blame some right wing nuttard who felt disenfranchised with the new order of hope and change. Lets hope for the best and the death toll doesn't rise.
  19. These guys all share one thing in common: They are 1 album failure removed from bankruptcy.
  20. Ray Durham (Pro Baseball) owned my old 6.0 and I also hear that Brittany Spears sat in it with K-Fed. (No shittin!) I made sure to wipe the seats down with Billy May's OXYCLEAN.
  21. Calling this guy an American Hero is like calling the sweaty lint between my balls a tasty delicacy. The first person that gives these people birth control and an instruction manual on how to use it would be more befitting to an "American Hero".
  22. Geez, I opened this thread to see what it was all about and when I got to the end was left with a WTF? Then I reread the title and discovered I MISREAD it... OOPS ... I thought it said "Another New VAGINA Lambo Owner" and was expecting to see another stupid TheDirty.com posting. Congrats on the new purchase!
  23. You know I always wonder if these reports are prejudicial ... they say the "Lamborghini was traveling at a high rate of speed" -- what is a high rate? 80mph? And is it considered a "high rate" simply because the car is a Lamborghini? Not a day goes by when I see mom's mini-van tailgating and weaving through traffic at a "high rate of speed" -- yet, that story doesn't get framed with the driver speeding because moms in minivans aren't newsworthy. Now if a "high rate of speed" was 150 mph, then all this is moot. Seems like a lot of the sad stories are popping up when life changes in an flash. Be careful!!!!! RIP Brothers.
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