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TT G #1 is broken, what should I do?


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I write this out of sadness and regret. Sorry Jason.


TT G #1 hasnt worked since Christmas. Heffner was notified (by my delay) on January 12th 2009. Its now March 25th 2009 and the car is still at Lamborghini Las Vegas and Heffner cant seem to find anyone to fix it or anyone to pick it up to get it to his AZ shop to look at it.


Upon initial delivery of the car it blew up needing new oil return lines. That was a few weeks to get the right parts, teach someone how to install, etc... This is a new problem.


I do enjoy Jason's phone calls every few days asking if the car is still at LLV. Of course it is, you havent gotten anyone to look at it or pick it up. Why Jason asks ME if the car is at LLV is beyond me, last I checked they'd tell him if he called. Brett in service at LLV has been pretty clear -- No calls no nothing from anyone. And Jason, you visit the boards - lamborghinilasvegas.com click there and you'll find their #. So this is what you'll get if you have a TT in Las Vegas. I cant say I blame Jason, although a plane ticket for $300 to diagnose the car would have been a pretty smart move as originally suggested, but that's too much when your shop is nice and full of cars needing his personal attention or when you're out of town at shows.


I dont write this to BLAST Jason, but to note horrible customer service and support so far. I dont care the excuse -- ask yourself if any excuse MATTERS! Two months is two months. I've got a non working TT G that LLV wont diagnose and that Heffner wont get anyone to look at.


(For the record, the problem right now is an absolute loss of power at certain speeds, generally fast, and non performance sluggishness and then hearing clunk noises while idling and while driving), same as originally posted on this board a long while back.


Thanks to any advice anyone can offer, all I want in this entire stupid fcuking thing is a working car. That's all I've ever told anyone. What do I do?



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I write this out of sadness and regret. Sorry Jason.


I dont write this to BLAST Jason, but to note horrible customer service and support so far. I dont care the excuse -- ask yourself if any excuse MATTERS! Two months is two months. I've got a non working TT G that LLV wont diagnose and that Heffner wont get anyone to look at.



WTF, you're not even the original owner who built the car, what does Jason owe you?! If you wanted it fixed so bad, why didn't you send it over to his shop like everyone else?!


You should have gotten an aftermarket warranty on it...

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I may be an idiot or not know the whole story, but how long do you expect Jason to warranty the damn thing for? It's on it's 3rd owner and it's been a few years since it was built now. Seems to me any problem would be on your dime - Shove it in a truck and ship it back to Florida, have him fix it, pay the bill and have it shipped back, no??? :eusa_think:

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WTF, you're not even the original owner who built the car, what does Jason owe you?!


Despite that I'm the one who paid him the $12,000 for the new fuel line work and clutch and whatnot..... Its not about what Jason owes ME, its about what he owes his PRODUCT. The car isnt diagnosable by Lamborghini because of the modification, thus the modification must be supported by the modder.


But the thread isnt about what Jason owes me, its a question of what to do to get someone to fix the thing. All I want, again, is a working car. Not arguments over the Internet from abolfaz. ;)

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By the way -- I'm not saying this is Jasons dime. Nowhere do I expect to not pay for this. All I want is to find out WHAT Is broken and WHAT do to do FIX it.



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1) If you are not the original owner, and the warranty is for the original owner (which I believe it is), then get the frickin car over to Jason and get it fixed. How much could it cost to send it? A grand? Man up and get the car to him and get him to fix it.


2) It is pricelessly ironic for you to be complaining about customer service and how you feel like you're not getting treated fairly.



On the other hand, perhaps you're trying to avoid the state of FL.

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Horrible customer service? to which customer? did you contract Jason to build your car or are you the third owner?


lol, inmo Jason owes you NOTHING. You want him to look at it.. put it on a truck and ship it to him...

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Not arguments over the Internet from abolfaz. ;)



No one is looking for a problem except you, the way you've decided to handle this in public shows poor judgement on your part. Jason has been a stand up guy to all the owners here and on the FGT board who not to mention spent time with my sorry ass discussing mods on the FGT, IMO he is the epitome of what a high performance tuner should be.



If you want high performance customer service, we need to introduce you to David Hart...

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send it to Jason, let him diagnose the problem, and fix it.


I dont get the confusion.


What am I missing?


I have to say I agree. Get it on a truck and send it to Jason. On the other hand if I was Jason I would get it fixed ASAP and let people know how it broke, why it broke, and what steps if any will be taken in the future to prevent this if it is preventable in order to not hurt his product image. If I am right this is one of the higher mile cars. I drive my cars a lot and have been holding out on the TT system so I could make a more informed decision on long term reliability.


Also one question to Jason. Does the 2 year warranty follow the car or is it only for the original owner of the car? Even though this car is out of warranty period I believe g-force's car is still under warranty and for sale.

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Oh, and for what it is worth, this build was completed in 2005 if I remember correctly. We sent out mechanic to Sarasota to help with clutch adjustments for the car.

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Oh, and for what it is worth, this build was completed in 2005 if I remember correctly. We sent out mechanic to Sarasota to help with clutch adjustments for the car.


who in his right mind paid money for this car and expeced it to run? Wayne's car belongs in a museum not the streets...


It's an icon.. :icon_pray:

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Let's think about this 3rd owner and you think you have a warranty? I think you need to get this car on a car hauler and get it shipped to him and pay the bill after it is fixed. Fair is fair and he owes you nothing.

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Funny you decide to post this so publicly. Jason is aware of where your car is and has even told me about it. He hasn't been ignoring you or Lamborghini Las Vegas.


Jason produces high quality work and one of the most humble people I know, and for you to say he's busy at shows is crazy. This past Sunday was the first time he has really gone anywhere. He barely has time for his family much less anything fun. He wanted to go to the airport run, Sebring, Festivals of Speed and other various events that would promote his company. But he didn't because he has obligations to people that have paid to have their cars serviced.


He goes out of his way with his customer service IMO. Ship the car down there and he'll help you. That's like saying Dell please send someone to my house to fix my laptop that I bought on ebay and is out of warranty.

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who in his right mind paid money for this car and expeced it to run? Wayne's car belongs in a museum not the streets...


It's an icon.. :icon_pray:




Post of the week.


Ben, the others are slapping you pretty hard, but their message minus the vitriol is still valid: Just put it on a truck and give the driver Jason's AZ shop address. Go from there.

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I'll try to address each concern here:


1.) Warranty -- It has none and expects none from it. I fully expect to pay to fix whatever's broken unless its related to its most recent work Jason did on the car before shipping it to me.


2.) Its been two months. Two months to have a car sit and not do anything. If Jason said "Ship me the car that's your only option" -- the car would have been there by now. Instead, Jason told me he would find a shop in Vegas to fix it. After two or three weeks of no updates from him he wants it shipped to Arizona. I agreed to ship it to AZ at my expense. So far nobody has done anything since then and now we're at the two month mark.


It isnt a matter of me "expecting" service, its a matter of being told that its in the works and nothing happening.


Its been over two months, I just want a working car. I'd rather see suggestions on HOW to FIX the problems instead. Shop suggestions, ways to diagnose it, possible causes of the problem, anything other than argumentitive replies!

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ship it to me...im in AZ, ill fix it for you....


maybe I'll even pick it up for you, then you can show me EXACTLY, not just tell me what it is doing...



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I'll try to address each concern here:


1.) Warranty -- It has none and expects none from it. I fully expect to pay to fix whatever's broken unless its related to its most recent work Jason did on the car before shipping it to me.


2.) Its been two months. Two months to have a car sit and not do anything. If Jason said "Ship me the car that's your only option" -- the car would have been there by now. Instead, Jason told me he would find a shop in Vegas to fix it. After two or three weeks of no updates from him he wants it shipped to Arizona. I agreed to ship it to AZ at my expense. So far nobody has done anything since then and now we're at the two month mark.


It isnt a matter of me "expecting" service, its a matter of being told that its in the works and nothing happening.


Its been over two months, I just want a working car. I'd rather see suggestions on HOW to FIX the problems instead. Shop suggestions, ways to diagnose it, possible causes of the problem, anything other than argumentitive replies!





Are you the one that gave it the tricolor paint job?


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Are you the one that gave it the tricolor paint job?



Its that paint job thats got the car running like shit!

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I'd rather see suggestions on HOW to FIX the problems instead. Shop suggestions, ways to diagnose it, possible causes of the problem, anything other than argumentitive replies!




If that is really what you are after then might I suggest that instead of stating in the thread title that nobody will fix your car and then implying in several instances in the first post that Jason has been less than accomodating, you may have wanted to simply mention what your car seems to be doing and ask for advice.


"Help, my car is doing this, this and this. Does anyone have suggestions on how I could diagnose what is happening, or has this happened to anyone else?

The car is currently at LLV, I would really appreciate if anyone knows of a shop nearby that has experience with modified Gallardo's that could possibly help me out"


Something along that line, and I'm sure you would have received plenty of helpful advice.


Considering the heart of the beast though, I hate to jump on the bandwagon but I also would really just send the thing to Jason. Seems to be the best chance at having it fixed up, and the price of shipping and service would be well worth it.




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