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Everything posted by Destructo

  1. The Celeste Fedra reminds me of Tiffany Blue, but man I do not hate that. Although I'm sure it would tire quickly. Would be a fun wrap!
  2. You really do have a talent and a gift. Love these!
  3. "Be careful in there Ryan, some things don't mix well with bullets."
  4. Bummer, one of my favorites. Wonder what his thoughts would be on the current state of James Bond and it's direction.
  5. https://www.motor1.com/reviews/447990/2020-lamborghini-huracan-evo-rwd-first-drive/ A good read if you have the time. I enjoy a lot of the stuff that Motor1 puts out.
  6. https://media.giphy.com/media/zac5EvG19YCVa/giphy.mp4
  7. Right, I figured they weren't lighting up. Wasn't sure if they were supposed to do it by the design of the factory or if you're looking to have them do something new for the car, like change the programming to light up. If that makes sense. I've already made this far more complicated than it needs to be
  8. Being a fat old guy, any time something comes up as "comfort" i'm going to be checking that box But since I've not owned either, my opinion on it doesn't really amount to a hill of beans. I suppose if most of the Aventadors are comfort seats, yours may be more desirable down the road if you have the carbon seats?
  9. I can see where this is how a Lamborghini should be. Looks great, I'm betting you'll really enjoy it!
  10. Venmo is one I've seen a lot of people use. Otherwise wire transfer between banks are secure, may not be same day, but depends on what arrangements you set up with your bank I'd assume.
  11. What years did they start adding the supercapacitors? Think that could be a culprit at all either?
  12. Do they normally light up for 30 - 60 seconds, or is this something you are looking to have "upgraded" to accomplish?
  13. One of my favorites. Congrats, such an awesome acquisition!
  14. His at the time wife, gifted him a Miura. Loved the sound so much he used it for the revving in the song Panama. Pretty cool guy if you as me. Gone too soon.
  15. I was talking with a good friend of mine the other day, we like to blather on about cars when we can. And we were trying to see what is happening. He raised a good point, what proprietary technology does Lamborghini have that would go with the sale? We assume most would belong to the VAG and isn't part of the sale. So will someone just be buying a brand name and trying to make something new with it? Which could really spell doom for the brand we've come to know and love. Because if you are buying the brand and logos, and then have to build something new without any of the current available support of VAG, doesn't leave you with much to build off of, right? Unless you have some serious established brands and technology. That wouldn't leave many buyers I wouldn't think....
  16. Another non-street legal special edition, what a good move.... *rolls eyes*
  17. How many companies have the kind of coin right now to leverage a purchase like that? I heard Rimac may buy/merge with Bugatti, which could be interesting. I very curious to see how the brand evolves, or if it's the end of the trail...
  18. VERY Cool! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for being a great ambassador to the Lamborghini community!
  19. What a pair! Congratulations!
  20. Be very interested to see what they do. Too bad they wouldn't have Balboni at the helm. Would be great optics and someone passionate about the brand and it's heritage.
  21. You're doing God's work with this project dude, major kudos for the updates! Thank you!
  22. Find any other candidates for Aventadors lately?
  23. You are 100% spot on! I'd speculate because they have no chance at purchasing most turn to being critical to make themselves feel better.
  24. I've noticed a bit of a trend with BaT and I'm wondering if I'm alone here. Previously, I really liked the site and the information and offerings it had. Prices were decent and the vehicle selection was great because it wasn't muddled down with chaff. But now it seems that the site is absolutely obliterating a lot of collector car markets with huge price inflations and making it a challenge for a lot of people to get into vintage, collector or performance vehicles. Then if you want something desirable, you're going to bend over and bring a trailer full of cash to get it. Nowadays, it really seems like the whole BaT site is loaded with over-priced, over-appreciated, and "rose-colored glasses" perspectives on cars. The "community" that bogs down with all the comments and discussion seem to be filled with obnoxious self-aggrandizing personalities. Maybe I'm just jealous of their traffic But in all honestly, the site isn't what it used to be, and now I'm curious what other sites are you guys looking at for fun cars? I've checked out Carsandbids.com for a little while and it seems to have some stuff, but it's also getting infected with stupid listings. Example, people are JAZZED over a Lumina minivan....I'm not cool enough to appreciate or understand why, but it is what it is.
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