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Everything posted by BLK TONY

  1. Glad I saw this thread. Decided to look into my credit report and found DOZENS of inquiries that I have no idea what they are. Looks like my identity has been stolen...
  2. I know someone that bought an R8 from there and I think a few other cars afterwards. They said it was a super easy deal. EDIT: I think NRG x Lambo has used them a few times as well.
  3. I live about 5 minutes from this place as well. Never been inside but I've always got a weird vibe from it too. My initial thoughts were the same as everyone elses. Seems like a front.
  4. Sheldon's the go to guy. I've been working with him most of 2016 and can say that this is just the start. Unfortunately Apple doesn't let you do anything that controls anything outside of that specific app. They're very controlling and don't want you to mess with their iOS and other apps. Do you have Touch ID or a password on your phone? That would certainly prevent your phone from opening in your pocket.
  5. I don't understand the deportation talk. Hasn't Obama deported more than any other President in history? More than Bush and more than the sum of all presidents in the 20th century. Also, I don't think the wall will get built but I really don't think it would matter if it was. A lot of people cross the border in tunnels. The wall wont stop that.
  6. Loving the Lakers so far. They're finally fun to watch again!
  7. Alright, support for iOS 9 is now live on the app store
  8. Awesome, congrats! Will download now.
  9. There are definitely tons of apps that allow you to hide photos, but none of them allow you to Freeze a photo in place. The Freeze function is the main feature. And the other apps that allow you to hide photos are all very sketchy in my opinion. Fake calculators, crazy UI's, etc. I just wanted something that felt very Apple, allowed you to hide photos without making it too obvious, and allow you to show people photos in public without them swiping through everything.
  10. We thought about that and still might play around with it, but the thought process was that there wouldn't be enough time to monetize it before Apple rips it off. Also, in the next coming weeks we're going to have some celebrity backing to help get the name out there. And it should be live on iOS9 later tonight!
  11. Keeping girlfriends safe since October 17th, 2016.
  12. Right now it's only available on iOS but will be on Android shortly! Thank you for your support! Yeah, that's what I used to do. I would just turn my phone but sometimes they still want to grab it. As far as the touch ID or Pass, if we didn't have that then that person could just unfreeze it themselves! Thanks! We've all been there haha. Hopefully this puts an end to that!
  13. Thank you! Let us know if you have any questions
  14. So happy to finally have this app out and available to the public! Just a little back story, I've been wanting to make this app since 2011. I always had the idea in my head and every time I saw someone give their phone to another person, I'd see how uncomfortable they get when the other person starts going through it. No one likes people going through their photos. After a few years of sitting on the idea, I told my friend who was making apps to make it for himself and I'll download it. He never made it and then I got talking to Sheldon and we decided to go through with it. Sheldon's been great at making my idea come to life. I have a really good feeling about this whole idea and it would not be possible without him. Let us know what you think of the app!
  15. That is kind of odd. Is it brand new? If it's slightly used, the previous owner probably debadged it and the dealer put the badges back on when selling, but just happened to do it wrong. That's the most likely situation.
  16. My GF's 7+ arrives tomorrow. Will give a comprehensive review then
  17. Damn, would like to know more about this. This was right in my backyard. I take that road every day. I'll try and do some recon.
  18. I usually get every other iPhone model and skip the S variation. I have over 25k photos on my phone, so I obviously like to take pictures. The main reason I'm getting the 7+ is for the new dual camera.
  19. I got the 256gb Black 7+ and itll be delivered around Sept. 23rd. I have a 64gb now and it's completely full.
  20. I agree. The 570 is a bit soft but this new take on that design looks pretty damn good.
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