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Everything posted by Irvin

  1. Such a tragedy. I have friends who work there and were very close to him. RIP
  2. RIP Roman. Just know you did the right thing. This actually put me at ease for putting my dog down about a year ago. He had lymphoma and we kept him alive for a few weeks after he was diagnosed but I didn't want him to suffer, so as soon as I saw him decline I put him down. I hated having the power of putting him down but I know it comes with dog ownership. I grew up with dogs but didn't realize how hard it was to be the one who decides when to pull the plug.
  3. It could be an SSL thing. The websites that work, do they use https://?
  4. I'm still kicking myself for selling my E30 M3 back in '99. Welcome to the board!
  5. Am I the only one who receives push notifications when I receive a Follow Request? I disabled it in settings but my phone still notifies me. I'm using Android; Note 3
  6. Wow, I had no idea it's that high now
  7. Giving it a try as well @irwin88b; followed you all I uploaded a picture and the preview is cropped (1x1), unless you click on it, which most people will not do. Would you consider either letting the user crop the picture (1x1), show the full picture, or let the user crop the preview? A preview of the picture before posting would be great as well. Ok, I'm going to stop now! LOL It would also be nice to get a folder view of pictures when uploading, instead of a dump off all pictures on your phone. I like the idea of this app, so best of luck to you!
  8. Here are some pictures I took of the event.
  9. He is a member and no, that road is a little strange; it's an extremely long on-ramp, if you can call it that. Edit: I looked at it again and I thought it was on the on-ramp to the right, as they first take off, but it's not. This is a road with very little traffic and there's a T section with a light directly behind them where they started.
  10. That house has A LOT of potential! Congrats!
  11. Love the cars! That's the Diablo to own in my eyes!
  12. Thank you I'm working on it and I can't wait for the day when I pick up my first Lambo! Congrats on your success!
  13. Your Super G looked great! Congrats!
  14. Irvin

    Free Mustang?

    That looks super clean so far! Keep up the good work!
  15. Irvin

    Citrus Fruit

    Apparently I can't type; meant 570. Happy belated birthday btw!
  16. Wow, those hp numbers are insane! Congrats!
  17. Irvin

    Citrus Fruit

    Congrats! The LP670 is the ultimate Gallardo in my eyes.
  18. Irvin

    About Damn Time!!!

    Love it! Congrats!! Any chance of you bringing it to Florida or is it staying in Cali?
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