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About jhbchess

  • Birthday 05/31/1917

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  • Location
    Katy, TX
  • Interests
    Texans, Lambos, Porsches, Oh My

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  1. Bring back this thread and the Fortis house building thread. How big is the tree in the atrium now.
  2. It’s just so hard to use now. We’re all too old. It was so simple in the old days to hit a button and see all the new posts sorted by thread. Favorite thread is still Fortis house build.
  3. That’s hot! The yellow on that car and the speed yellow on the old ford GTs are my favorites!
  4. Ok who has something new to show off, I’m day drinking during the LSU game and web surfing during all these damn replay timeouts.
  5. I also had an i8 and sold it after 9 months. The interior was woefully lacking. The doors were cool. The all electric mode was a joke.
  6. Looks like it all works now. I logged in with Chrome, saw the new banner, can see theme button on bottom right hand of page. Thanks Destructo!
  7. FWIW, I couldn't see the theme button using Chrome or Windows10 Edge unless I logged out and then scrolled to the bottom before signing in. So, right now I'm logged in/signed in using chrome and there's no theme button at the bottom. Same for the new banner pictures etc everyone is talking about, all I see is the forum topics.
  8. I was just there for CES and the most Vegasy dinner we had was Rose Rabbit Lie in the Cosmopolitan. Get the caviar tacos to start. There's a show during dinner where the performers sing, tap dance, break dance etc around the restaurant. Fun for a group.
  9. Id Keep filing the protest letters with the credit reporting agencies. Allege that they made the error / typo and not you and that you had good funds for the withdrawal. Sample letters: https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/092016_cfpb__CreditReportingSampleLetter.pdf And going in-person to your own bank and getting a human being on your side was good call. Perhaps try hitting up the CEO or other executive a la: https://www.thebillfold.com/2013/03/i-emailed-the-ceo-of-bank-of-america-to-fix-my-credit-score-and-he-did/
  10. Does anyone have some first hand experience on the Urus vs the Bentley Bentayaga? I’m looking at those, Land Rover, etc and was just wondering if anybody had some good first hand opinion. Not worried on the price, want something I can keep for 6+ years and feel good as a DD. Thanks!!
  11. This shit right here: https://www.amazon.com/Thrive-Rehydration-Recovery-Replenish-Electrolyte/dp/B079R9JBYQ/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1537659548&sr=8-2-spons&keywords=thrive+hangover&psc=1
  12. Thanks for the update! Is there a Facebook page that we can retreat to if it goes down again? A place where we can watch for the batsignal to tell us it's back up?
  13. Good group for detailing stuff https://www.youtube.com/user/MattMoreman https://www.facebook.com/groups/obsessedgarage/ https://www.obsessedgarage.com/ The YouTube page has step by step videos for the car detailing and products. Website has packages you can buy bulk or go amazon them yourself.
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