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How Steve are you?


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Background: I watch my wife get frustrated with my son. He has his own way of doing things. He's really bright but generally doesn't want to do much. When he does do something he has laser focus. He's just like me.


I notice that many successful people have odd character traits. OCD, add, bipolar disease, socially odd behavior, narcissism.


I have an amount of add and some light add neuroses. I also relate to many Of the 'socially awkward penguin' memes for those who are familiar with them.


Recently in reading the Jobs bio I see that he was bat shit crazy...


So how Steve are you?

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I am totally well adjusted, have no vices, and am incredibly muscular. The only downfall is my chiseled facial features can be distracting to others less attractive.

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I notice that many successful people have odd character traits. OCD, add, bipolar disease, socially odd behavior, narcissism.


Bipolar disorder or narcissism are rather terrible traits to have, and I doubt there are that many successful people that possess these. On the other hand odd character traits seem more prevalent in more intelligent people, the more intelligent, the more likely you are to be successful and there is your correlation between them.


One thing I'd like to add, though I haven't read his bio. Many descriptions of him make him look like a borderline sociopath.

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Bipolar disorder or narcissism are rather terrible traits to have, and I doubt there are that many successful people that possess these. On the other hand odd character traits seem more prevalent in more intelligent people, the more intelligent, the more likely you are to be successful and there is your correlation between them.


One thing I'd like to add, though I haven't read the book, many descriptions of him, make him look like a borderline sociopath.


Bipolar has degrees on how bad it affects the individual. Some people can use it to an advantage, others can't function in normal society. Narcissism is prevalent in our celebrities and politicians.


I don't think Jobs was a sociopath. He cried too much.

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I've found my personality traits somewhat similar. I'm either completely uninterested or laser focused like you described. It means that I frustrate people a lot because they will want help from me to do things that are important to them, and although I try to be interested because they are...if its not something I have that laser focus on it means I end up disappointing them because I either do it half assed or not at all. It has nothing to do with being lazy,it has to do with the drive to be interested and the idea that its not something I came up with or had input developing so it doesn't capture my attention the same way it would if it had been done the way I would have thought it up.

As far as OCD goes I have a lot of quarks. The way food is prepared,the way clothes are folded, textures on surfaces,the way things make sounds, even things with my body have to be precise or it drives me mad. For a while I had words that family and friends were asked not to say around me because the sound the words would make my skin crawl.

I use to chalk it up as being weird..but im sure its some form of ocd or something similar.

Embrace your kids quarks. They will end up letting his character develop into something more then the "average joe".

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Bipolar has degrees on how bad it affects the individual. Some people can use it to an advantage, others can't function in normal society. Narcissism is prevalent in our celebrities and politicians.


I don't think Jobs was a sociopath. He cried too much.


Of course every kind of disorder has spectrums but assuming you are functional, bipolar = emo, narcissist = major douche. :icon_mrgreen:

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Look at guys like Branson though. Seems like a pretty adventurous, outgoing guy. I think it's a flawed theory to suggest that you must be a social outcast to do well. But since social outcasts aren't spending time socializing and running the usual rat race, perhaps they are thinking more (I hate the term) 'out of the box' than the rest of the sheep.


I think Jobs had more Ari Gold in him than people would like to believe. He wasn't the 'Buddha-natured' person that some would like to believe.


For me personally, I used to do really well in school - I'd come home right after school and do my homework and get straight A's. It was very easy. Then my grandparents died and I kinda said "fcuk it" - life's not all about learning facts and figures in a classroom. I kinda gave up and wasn't really met by much challenge. I just didn't want to do school, I didn't find it very important. It wasn't until my Dad died and then well into my college career that I really picked up the ball again. I was challenged by a VERY intelligent and in-your-face professor with a helluva background (Reed & Johns Hopkins) who made me work for my 'A.' I earned it last semester (one of very few to get one).


So I can relate to you and your son. I'm usually pretty relaxed and careless about a lot of things (some see laziness) UNTIL I want something or want to do something, then I'm like a bull!


My problem is not getting complacent and also trusting in myself that I know what the F--- I'm doing, because usually - I do. If I don't trust my gut then I end up going "damnit I told you so" to myself.


Think about it, who the hell thought we would be using i-this and i-that and buying new ones annually? (I did and so did my Dad - and we should have bought stock in the early 90s when we were both using the original Mac)! *Bangs head against wall*

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L... I'm usually pretty relaxed and careless about a lot of things (some see laziness) UNTIL I want something or want to do something, then I'm like a bull! ...




If it is not something that interests me then I am very complacent, sometimes I look at it myself and think I am being lazy, but as soon as it is something that interests me, it's balls to the wall. Example: I flew back to Italy last year, and while I was on my way to the airport, I came up with something. I spent the next 2.5 months pretty much every day after work and then some, until midnight or later, teaching myself Pro/E CAD until I could use it well enough to design what I had come up with. I currently have a provisional patent on it and it has taken Me and my partners on a distinct path forward for a business.

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Oh and things have to be symmetric, if they are not it drives me nuts. When the LP640 came out, the side intake killed me. Offset racing stripes, even on cars that they are there for a purpose, it really bothers me. I have learned to get past it, but it does bother me quite a bit. Like Rob, certain sounds or sound patterns drive me insane. Celine Dions voice makes me angry, that one I can't get over, every time a song comes on the radio I have to change it or leave the room, because it literally makes me angry, my wife laughs at me every time it happens too. I have quite a few other quirks but those are the big ones.

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Why is everyone today trying to think they are different unique or have some kind of disease or syndrome? Many successful people just had a lot of luck or good timing. Nothing to do with whether they were wierd or not.

Sometimes people are just stupid they don't have add or ADHD.

Sometimes you are just insecure and a dork, you don't have social disorder disease.

even if you are one in a milllion there are still 7000 other people on earth just like you. So get over yourself.

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I need to be interested in something or want to achieve results, then I'm laser focused, otherwise I get distracted easily. I mostly enjoy working on projects that are a) challenging B) an opportunity to learn something new. I've never had a 'real' job and not sure how well I could conform to a 9-5. I normally have an irregular sleep cycle and sleep when I'm tired and wake up when I'm not. I don't ever have an alarm set unless I need to get up for something specific. With that said I did manage to get my ass up early for school for my bachelor and master's degree and graduated as valedictorian both times.

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' If I'm not interested then I'm relaxed / lazy / uninterested - otherwise I'm focussed'




Er.... doesn't this sound like totally normal rational behaviour...?

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' If I'm not interested then I'm relaxed / lazy / uninterested - otherwise I'm focussed'




Er.... doesn't this sound like totally normal rational behaviour...?



Yes and no. Many people are, for lack of a better term, programmed as the grow up to always do your best at whatever you are given. Become an employee and work hard at whatever it is (whether you are interested in it or not) and make a living. I think what most of us, that have said the above, mean is that none of can do that for very long without becoming insanely bored or disinterested. We are always looking for something better, but not just "something", the something has to really catch our interest. I am in the process of starting up my own business with my partners, but I do currently have a "9 to 5". I can easily lose track of time and stay up until 3 or 4am working on MY business, but it takes a lot of work for me to try and stay interested in my day job. I don't have the luxury to be able to quit my day job while I start up our business, but the long nights/mornings are no problem for me to do with the start up.

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I am always serious to a fault, and lack a sense of humor and the ability to find the lighter side of things.


I tend to prioritize other people's emotions and feelings before speaking so I don't mistakenly hurt another persons feelings as a result of my well thought out and informative opinion or observation.

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