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So... Ebola...


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Child from west Africa "living" in New York? Not visiting New York? Did they recently visit Africa? If not, how did they get exposed?


Article said he had just been there recently, and was showing a fever. He lives in the Bronx. I didn't see anything that said he tested positive.

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So in the last hour, in two different news reports, I've heard the New York kid tested positive for Ebola and negative for ebola.

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Oct 23.


10141 cases... 4922 dead...



205 new cases.... 45 more deaths... 4 days...


Tore through that 10,000 mark.



Well... That escalated quickly...



October 24



12,008 cases... 5078 dead.


1,867 new cases. 156 more dead. 1 day.

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uhhh was that just a delay in reporting numbers or what the hell happened



I think everyone agrees... The numbers are much worse than what Im reporting... "Then whats the use of reporting them?" Because although low, they show the slow, steady progression of the disease with nothing effectively slowing it down...


I now fear this may be just be the very beginning... That three years from now it will still be burning. Like the slow march of a glacier towards a town in a valley below...


One of two things will happen. The virus will explode into a global pandemic lasting the next 3 to 5 years or so, or, it will run out of people to infect in west africa and burn out....

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I think everyone agrees... The numbers are much worse than what Im reporting... "Then whats the use of reporting them?" Because although low, they show the slow, steady progression of the disease with nothing effectively slowing it down...


I now fear this may be just be the very beginning... That three years from now it will still be burning. Like the slow march of a glacier towards a town in a valley below...


One of two things will happen. The virus will explode into a global pandemic lasting the next 3 to 5 years or so, or, it will run out of people to infect in west africa and burn out....


I don't agree except that the numbers are under reported. If the Nigerians can put a bag over it, anybody can. Nigeria, is one of the most corrupt, fucked up and dangerous places of the planet.


And am I saying it's going to be neatly put to bed, no. But Global Pandemic.....no. It may kill another 100,000 or 200,000 people.


The flu will kill more people this year than ebola world wide.

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I find the stance the nurse is taking to be obscene. Refusing quarentine in her own home, for what? To prove a point. I legitamately hope she comes down with it.


RD, ive heard a number of lawyers on tv say that in this instance, if you caught ebola from someone like her, you could sue the federal government because they are doing noithing to protect your well being. Any truth in that?

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I don't agree except that the numbers are under reported. If the Nigerians can put a bag over it, anybody can. Nigeria, is one of the most corrupt, fucked up and dangerous places of the planet.


And am I saying it's going to be neatly put to bed, no. But Global Pandemic.....no. It may kill another 100,000 or 200,000 people.


The flu will kill more people this year than ebola world wide.



You're underestimating the stupidity of our own government....



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I find the stance the nurse is taking to be obscene. Refusing quarentine in her own home, for what? To prove a point. I legitamately hope she comes down with it.


RD, ive heard a number of lawyers on tv say that in this instance, if you caught ebola from someone like her, you could sue the federal government because they are doing noithing to protect your well being. Any truth in that?


Sue the government because you got sick? Good luck with that...

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Sue the government because you got sick? Good luck with that...


Sue the government because they didnt protect the citizens by not quarentining threats. But i see your point, and its kind of what i figured....

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I find the stance the nurse is taking to be obscene. Refusing quarentine in her own home, for what? To prove a point. I legitamately hope she comes down with it.






This. So she makes a huge fuss about being quarantined in NJ, and now that they flew her back to her own state/house she is making an even bigger fuss...? She just wants to become a celebrity. She had contact with an Ebola patient on the 21st of this month! I would never wish Ebola on someone but this has me rethinking that.

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Well... That escalated quickly...



October 24



12,008 cases... 5078 dead.


1,867 new cases. 156 more dead. 1 day.



October 27


13,703 cases. 4922 Dead.



1695 New Cases... 156 fewer deaths... 3 Days...



Thats right... The Zombie Apocalypse has begun.

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Everyone must watch this! It's all a conspiracy and these guys just happen to be selling the cure! Buy some now before it's too late! Colloidal Silver is also effective against Vampire apocalypse and Wherewolves (they don't like the taste).

It may turn you and your family blue, but you'll still be alive! Oh wait, never mind.

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Everyone must watch this! It's all a conspiracy and these guys just happen to be selling the cure! Buy some now before it's too late! Colloidal Silver is also effective against Vampire apocalypse and Wherewolves (they don't like the taste).


It may turn you and your family blue, but you'll still be alive! Oh wait, never mind.

Thats the cure for everything. Friend told me that nine months ago.

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So... For the last week of reporting, we've averaged 470 new cases PER DAY.... Over 3000 Per week... Still doubling every 3-4 weeks.



I was watching the CBS morning news this morning... The leadoff was Ebola... And the report made my fcuking head spin.... The nurse who wont stay inside was up first... And that piece ended with Charlie Rose saying "President Obama has been critical of states that want to impose a mandatory quarentine, especially for medical personnel returning from serving in Ebola infected nations.... Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel defended the imposition of a 21 day quarantine on military personnel returning from west Africa, saying he wants to protect them and their families from an outbreak of the virus."


Did it not occur to anybody that the PRESIDENT who is "critical" of imposing quarantines on those MOST LIKELY to be infected, hasn't said shit to his Secretary of Defense about how its not necessary to quarantine the troops who, supposedly, haven't been in contact with sick people??? I've got a fcuking idea.... LETS fcuking QUARANTINE EVERYBODY COMING BACK FROM WEST AFRICA.... fcuk... I'd even go so far as to say, pass an emergency bill, make it unlawful to fire them from a job during their quarantine, and give them free fcuking pizza for three weeks, courtesy of Uncle Sam. Its a fcuk of a lot cheaper than what it will cost to treat ONE sick patient.



Oh... And the CDC has changed their protocols again.... Turns out they now agree with what I've been saying from day one... Transmission via airborne droplets is a risk after all.



Oh... And there may be a way to prosecute the Bowling Ebola Doctor.... He lied to authorities about his activities when asked what he had done. Ask Scooter Libby and Martha Stewart how that works...

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Thats the cure for everything. Friend told me that nine months ago.



Well yeah.... You get Viruses from OTHER PEOPLE.... If you turn yourself BLUE, other people will know you're fcuking nuts, and will keep the hell away from you.... Presto Curo, NO MORE ILLNESS!


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Seems obligatory...



Thank you for still doing updates Roman. Seems like we just passed 10,000 cases and its already past 13,000+

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Seems obligatory...



Thank you for still doing updates Roman. Seems like we just passed 10,000 cases and its already past 13,000+



The rapid acceleration has shocked me.... Even though I've been expecting it.... If we're still talking about this in the spring, the numbers will be horrifying.

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