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On 10/31/2021 at 7:35 PM, VCR said:

Wheels, I can assure you that it was not you at all.  In fact, I am sure, by majority, that you were and still are quite well-liked and welcomed here.  Yes, your reasoning at times are somewhat quirky and you like to debate; but that's fine; it's an opened forum and I highly doubt you actually ticked off any of us at all.  You certainly didn't tick me off despite our debates. :) So no apology necessary.  Come back here more often.

I didnt know this all. Now it has me wondering who it was. There is really only one I can think of. 

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On 1/1/2022 at 5:36 PM, jota said:


Hope all of you are well. 
There's been a huge shift to Insta/Twitter/FB but the passion still burns.




Good to see you around still Jim, hope the projects continue. Always happy to see what stuff you are making these days! 

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I woke up this morning with TTGs in my head. Specifically Arancio Borealis. Welp, I told myself let me try logging in to LP. Hmm....I guess you don't need to login to see posts anymore......why are these posts so old? Maybe you gotta' login to see new posts......reset password for like the 20th time (and see if it actually works and resets this time).....hey it worked......Saw this thread, ohhhh....

On the flip, I recognize all these posters here. Howdy, yall. 
I know car forums migrated to IG, and FB. Both I don't like, despite me having two active IG accounts. I don't want to look at pics, I want to engage people. Granted I came to look at TTGs. lol.

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I pop in now and then to see what's new, but the virus has been keeping a lot of events low key and not everyone is going out

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/15/2021 at 12:59 AM, deekss said:

Swinging both ways now..... A man can't have too many V12s. I've had the Murci for 15 years now!



09B00E9A-51F5-4C32-A973-DFAEB97F2B96.jpegbeen a while for me as well….

haven’t checked in in quite some time. Yea where is everyone?

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Funny I log in for the first time in forever and this is the first thread I see. 

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wow! Lambo power is still alive

i browsed this place every single day for a LOOONG time!

still around old lambos ...even if the old lambos of today were the last stuff when lambo power was at the top :)


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/17/2021 at 1:21 PM, VCR said:

A few of us are still here.  

The big shutdown for the new site format drove many away.  One particular bad member ticked off many veteran members before the mods stepped in but the damages were already done. 

I agree with the first sentence but the second one had nothing to do with the site going South. Just my opinion. In the beginning days of Lambo Power this was the best place 10 times over. As time went on more screwball members started joining and tried to win a popularity contest by posting 30 times a hour and didn't even own a Lambo. Trolls. The decline of it being an awesome site started there. They thought they owned it when in fact they ruined it. Some really good early members bailed out. The new site format seems to be the final nail in the coffin. The best times are behind us now just like the USA economy is. That is what is too bad. Lamborghini itself is about to end the good times with a promise of hibrids only coming out. The SVJ roadster is the last of the real V12 cars. They will end up being 2 million dollars as they are already 1million bucks.


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Still here, different name,  been close to 20 years. We really should make  a campaign to revive this forum,  current members really need to reach out to the older members and the newer owners.  It would be a shame to let this forum with such great info and life altering posts fizzle out...

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Should re brand to more general content as just not enough Lambo traffic  to keep it interesting anymore and most topics have been answered or you can Google what you want to know

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On 3/23/2022 at 12:51 PM, THIRDGEN said:

I agree with the first sentence but the second one had nothing to do with the site going South. Just my opinion. In the beginning days of Lambo Power this was the best place 10 times over. As time went on more screwball members started joining and tried to win a popularity contest by posting 30 times a hour and didn't even own a Lambo. Trolls. The decline of it being an awesome site started there. They thought they owned it when in fact they ruined it. Some really good early members bailed out. The new site format seems to be the final nail in the coffin. The best times are behind us now just like the USA economy is. That is what is too bad. Lamborghini itself is about to end the good times with a promise of hibrids only coming out. The SVJ roadster is the last of the real V12 cars. They will end up being 2 million dollars as they are already 1million bucks.


While i agree with some of what you said, and maybe its just because i was an active poster without a lambo, but the non lambo owners I never saw as the problem around here.   TBH it was usually the guys with the biggest garages and some of the biggest ego's.   Most of the big fights were dick measuring contests between who had what and when.   Maybe im wrong, who knows, but right about now this forum could use those 30 posts a day popularity contests just to get some of the threads moving and worth reading.   None of my other forums had this decline.  Even Ferrari Chat is still VERY active from the few times I check it a month.   Its just here.   And the true decline started when people like Kris Singh ran off (and took a few members with him).    Not that Kris leaving was any fault but his own, but that was when the decline really started as it seemed to me he couldnt take the heat that was a pretty common thing around here and something that made this forum great once.   

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7 hours ago, Kevin2772 said:

While i agree with some of what you said, and maybe its just because i was an active poster without a lambo, but the non lambo owners I never saw as the problem around here.   TBH it was usually the guys with the biggest garages and some of the biggest ego's.   Most of the big fights were dick measuring contests between who had what and when.   Maybe im wrong, who knows, but right about now this forum could use those 30 posts a day popularity contests just to get some of the threads moving and worth reading.   None of my other forums had this decline.  Even Ferrari Chat is still VERY active from the few times I check it a month.   Its just here.   And the true decline started when people like Kris Singh ran off (and took a few members with him).    Not that Kris leaving was any fault but his own, but that was when the decline really started as it seemed to me he couldnt take the heat that was a pretty common thing around here and something that made this forum great once.   

Spot on!  And you are here long enough to see almost everything.

One needs not to be a Lambo owner to join and most of the time, it's the non-owners that actually provided the enthusiasm to keep things interesting.  Not 100% sure if Kris Singh was the genesis that started the fall out but the timing of his departure matched and there was a full behind-the-scene story about it.  There was another guy who just came along doing his dick-swing BS and when he got countered or challenged he turned aggressive and ticked off everyone especially those who knew what they were talking about.  There were PM's between veteran members saying it's not worth the time & effort arguing with an egomaniac and since the mods didn't do much about it, why bother signing on anymore.  The site was about sharing a common interest; not about who has the best toys.  A lot of members agreed and signed off for good.  And then come the big shut down on the site and that was the end of it for the majority.

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The mods always did a good job but it really doesn't matter. Looking behind us serves no purpose. Looking ahead can create new ideas. I honestly think the good days are behind us like we enjoyed. Times have changed. The site shutting down so long changed the direction. Many members went to other sites as VCR said. That was the biggest change.

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On 3/30/2022 at 5:31 AM, Kevin2772 said:

If i remember correctly, wasnt it some guy from the pacific northwest area.   Seattle roughly.....

I believe the one that your were referring was a different guy way way back and he left a long time ago.  The one that I was referring was some idiot who just wanted to be the alpha guy here and whenever he got called out by someone who knew better or has better toys, he started hurling insults.  So much so that a number of members stepped in and posted saying he doesn't belong here.  He claimed to own the latest and the greatest but hardly had any pics to prove.  He also claimed to be a philanthropist who "gives till it hurts" (why would it hurts if one is philanthropic about it?:rolleyes:) but when this site started a GoFundMe account to send LamboCars to attend Monterey, many members chipped in but Mr. Philanthropy simply went MIA.  He more or less got voted out and good riddance.  

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25 minutes ago, VCR said:

I believe the one that your were referring was a different guy way way back and he left a long time ago.  The one that I was referring was some idiot who just wanted to be the alpha guy here and whenever he got called out by someone who knew better or has better toys, he started hurling insults.  So much so that a number of members stepped in and posted saying he doesn't belong here.  He claimed to own the latest and the greatest but hardly had any pics to prove.  He also claimed to be a philanthropist who "gives till it hurts" (why would it hurts if one is philanthropic about it?:rolleyes:) but when this site started a GoFundMe account to send LamboCars to attend Monterey, many members chipped in but Mr. Philanthropy simply went MIA.  He more or less got voted out and good riddance.  

Are you referencing that Nuvolari dude?  I recall he was going back and forth with the veteran members about the SVJ and trying to swing his tiny dick around.

IMO the forum should have stayed the dive bar that it was.  We catered to the drama and no-holds-barred shit talking; that was what made LP a special forum. There's far better curated Lamborghini and car content on other mediums - youtube, facebook, instagram etc.  This is still a great place to get technical questions answered but those don't drive traffic.

The prolonged shutdown was the nail in the coffin. Not sure there's a fix unless the big-name poseurs come back and bring old and new eyes.

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2 hours ago, escobar said:

Are you referencing that Nuvolari dude?  I recall he was going back and forth with the veteran members about the SVJ and trying to swing his tiny dick around.

IMO the forum should have stayed the dive bar that it was.  We catered to the drama and no-holds-barred shit talking; that was what made LP a special forum. There's far better curated Lamborghini and car content on other mediums - youtube, facebook, instagram etc.  This is still a great place to get technical questions answered but those don't drive traffic.

The prolonged shutdown was the nail in the coffin. Not sure there's a fix unless the big-name poseurs come back and bring old and new eyes.

We need to be careful here, I believe there's another member here that goes by the "Nuvolari" moniker.  That crazy dude's screen name had 3 numbers after the alphabets.  Anyway, no point elaborating on this.  Those who knew still know; those who don't likely wouldn't care.  I agree that unless the big-name contributors and the group of mods start posting frequently again, it'll be next to impossible to bring back the glory days of LP.  Many members had already formed their own like-minded inner circles; this forum, regrettably, has out-served its original purposes.  

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It's a tricky thing this board. And I wish I could say it will be back and better than ever, but it may not be that way. I'm trying to figure out some things on the back end to get stuff back, but between life and full time work and family, there isn't much left in the time sheet. That being said, there are a couple things I have planned that may help out. But it's a slow roll out. Any ideas I'm open too, so don't hold back. I love the discussion you guys are putting out. Thanks for sticking around and checking it out. 

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